Vanillons is a pylons app that can be used as the basis of other web applications. It will provide as a scaffold for rapidly building apps. I am tired of repeating myself! It is effectively glue code between pylons, benogle/quaid, and benogle/pylons_common. The goal is to make a runnable project here, then generate the templates for benogle/vanillons_templates.
Above this dir is a bin dir. It has an activate binary. You need to run it with virtual env. Check out the virtualenv primer
source bin/activate
I wrote benogle/pylons_common which houses much code that should not be generated by a template. This needs to be installed.
Download + extract/clone. Then run
sudo python develop
Make a vanillons DB and a vanillons_test DB, pick a db user and run in psql:
Change the development.ini and test.ini to reflect your db settings users:
sqlalchemy.default.url = postgresql://user:password@localhost/dbname
Generate the proper tables in your fresh new db by running
paster setup-app development.ini
Tests are run via:
sudo nosetests -s --tests=vanillons.tests
And the webserver is run via
paster serve --reload development.ini
Head over to http://localhost:5000/ and register a user. The first one registered will be donned the admin cap.
The entire point of this project it to generate templates for other pylons projects. To do so, (assuming you have benogle/vanillons_templates a dir up) go up a dir and run the findandreplace script
rm -Rf templates/vanillons
python vanillons/gen_templates/ templates/vanillons
Read the readme at benogle/vanillons_templates to install them if you havent already.
Try out the new templates
paster create -t vanillons MyProj
Write junk here...