Ushahidi is an open source web application for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping. It helps you to collect info from: SMS, Twitter, RSS feeds, Email. It helps you to process that information, categorize it, geo-locate it and publish it on a map.
Ushahidi 3.x is the next iteration of this tool, rebuilt from the ground up -- not only the code but the way in which we think about users interacting with mobile and social data. Crowdsourcing strategies have come a long way in the five years Ushahidi has been around and we've been fortunate enough to learn a lot from our global community.
Sorry, not yet.. Probably in 2014. I'd love to say you should, but right now its not complete, we're not even close to ironing out all the bugs.
Maybe.. We're still in heavy development, many architecture questions haven't been answered yet, many that have will still change.
If you just want to fix a few bugs, or build a prototype on Ushahidi.. you're probably better helping out on Ushahidi 2.x right now.
If you're keen to help build something awesome, and happy to get deep into the core workings.. then yes. Jump on board..