- First install pipenv in your global python installation if you don't have it
pip install pipenv --user
- run the following command to start a virtualenv and install dependancies
pipenv install
- Enter in the django directory and Run the installation command for the frontend app
npm install
- If you do any modification to the js Code make sure you to be running the npm run dev to recompile the js bundle served
npm run dev
- To run the django server first cd in the project directory "crm" then run the following command to run the migrations
python manage.py migrate
- Create a super user because this application has protected routes for the API
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Then you can run the developement server and acess the react app on ""
python manage.py runserver
- Make sure you have Docker installed and the Docker engine is running for your operating system
- Run the build command at the root of your project
docker build -t django-react .
- Run the docker image as a container
docker run -i --rm -p 8000:8000 django-react
- Go to the admin route to login so you can access the react crud app and the API
- the admin route is
The admin credentials are set in the settings file under the ADMINS variable so you can change , add a tuple to specify other admins to the django application
#List of admins
("admin" , "[email protected]")
The password is setup hardcoded inside the managment directory under initadmin.py file inside the employees app as "admin" , you can change it by setting up to get the password from an .env File
- Once you are logged in you can acess the react application under , or test the api under