This repository contains assignments and projects that I completed during my studies at Ondokuz Mayis University for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering.
Create a sorted Linked-List structure:
- Nodes should have a studentNumber integer, studentName string(array of chars) and a pointer for the next student.
- Create addStudent, deleteStudent, printStudentList and getNumberOfStudents functions.
Create a Queue structure:
- Nodes should have a studentNumber integer, studentName string(array of chars) and a pointer for the next student.
- Create queueStudent, dequeueStudent and printQueue functions.
Create a Binary search tree structure where the data is an integer:
- Nodes should have a data integer and two pointers for left and right child tree nodes.
- Create insertTreeNode, inorderTraversal, postorderTraversal, preorderTraversal, findTreeMaximum and findTreeMinimum functions.
Create a Binary search tree structure where the data is a string(array of chars):
- Nodes should have a data string and two pointers for left and right child tree nodes.
- Create insertTreeNode, inorderTraversali postorderTraversal, preorderTraversal functions.
Create a C program that calculates certain routes between two cities for the given image
- All possible routes
- Routes with the maximum length
- Routes that has 3 cities except from the start and finish
- Calculating number of routes
Create a C program that multiplies matrices using multithreading: