This folder contains the Datasets used for training and testing
This folder contains the Datasets used for training and interpolation testing
This folder contains the Datasets used for testing on medium extrapolation tests
This folder contains the Datasets used for testing on hard extrapolation tests
This folder contains all the code which is able to run. It contains two notebooks, one for each Subproblem mentioned in the paper.
This folder contains images which were used in the paper to show some examples
This folder contains the checkpoint of the (best) model for the arithmetic__add_or_sub problem used to measure the performance of the model.
This folder contains the checkpoint of the (best) model for the calculus_differentiate problem used to measure the performance of the model.
This folder contains images which were used in the paper to show some examples
This folder contains the proposal and the paper itself.
- If you have not downloaded the Repository From Github then you have to download the Dataset folder from and replace it as there was not enough space to compress it to a 100MB zip file. Otherwise if downloaded from Github you can skip this step.
- Go to the Models folder and select the Notebook for which subproblem you want to run the code.
- Make sure you have installed the required libraries in the first import statement (tensorflow 2.x) otherwise you will not be able to run the code.
- If you made sure you have installed those libraries, then you should be able to execute the notebook without any further considerations.