CarND-Capstone Public
Forked from udacity/CarND-CapstoneSoftware to run in a simulator and in a real self-driving car.
SF-Meetup-Map Public
JavaScript web application that displays SF Meetups using Meetup and Google Maps APIs.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 6, 2018 -
CarND-MPC-Project Public
Forked from udacity/CarND-MPC-ProjectDriving a vehicle using an MPC controller
C++ UpdatedDec 13, 2017 -
Traffic sign classification using a CNN deep neural network
HTML UpdatedDec 4, 2017 -
Driving-a-Vehicle-using-a-PID-Controller Public
Forked from udacity/CarND-PID-Control-ProjectC++ UpdatedDec 4, 2017 -
CarND-MPC-Quizzes Public
Forked from udacity/CarND-MPC-QuizzesCarND MPC Quizzes
C++ UpdatedNov 13, 2017 -
Vehicle localization using a particle filter
C++ UpdatedNov 13, 2017 -
frontend-nanodegree-resume Public
Forked from udacity/frontend-nanodegree-resumeJavaScript UpdatedDec 8, 2016 -
news-aggregator Public
Forked from udacity/news-aggregatorSamples for Udacity 60fps course
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 21, 2016 -
frontend-nanodegree-arcade-game Public
Forked from udacity/frontend-nanodegree-arcade-gameJavaScript UpdatedOct 25, 2016 -
frontend-nanodegree-mobile-portfolio Public
Forked from udacity/frontend-nanodegree-mobile-portfolioJavaScript UpdatedSep 27, 2016 -
create-your-own-adventure Public
Forked from udacity/create-your-own-adventureGCC Machine Description UpdatedSep 2, 2016 -
qrcode Public
Forked from udacity/qrcodeThe best web based QR Code reader on the web
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 21, 2015