jwt-scala Public
Forked from jwt-scala/jwt-scalaJWT support for Scala. Bonus extensions for Play JSON and Json4s
Scala Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 5, 2016 -
react-static-boilerplate Public
Forked from koistya/react-static-boilerplateBoilerplate and tooling for web application development based on React (ReactJS), Redux, Babel, Webpack, CSS Modules, PostCSS, Browsersync, React Hot Loader and optimized for CDN hosting in Firebase
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 9, 2016 -
react-tutorial Public
Forked from reactjs/react-tutorialCode from the React tutorial.
JavaScript Other UpdatedSep 6, 2016 -
licode Public
Forked from lynckia/licodeOpen Source Communication Provider based on WebRTC and Cloud technologies
C UpdatedDec 1, 2015 -
de.htwg.mdsd.xtext.portals Public
Forked from deparlak/de.htwg.mdsd.xtext.portalsUpdatedJun 2, 2015 -
BLEShield Public
Forked from RedBearLab/BLEShieldBluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (BLE) Shield - a shield with nRF8001 for Arduino-compatible boards.
C UpdatedMay 9, 2014 -