What is KOIN? - https://insert-koin.io
A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin developers.
Koin is a DSL, a light container and a pragmatic API
// latest version (Jcenter)
koin_version = '2.2.2'
// latest version (Maven Central)
// New group id moved from `org.koin` to `io.insert-koin`
koin_version = '3.0.1'
- Follow us on Twitter for latest news: @insertkoin_io
- Koin developers on Medium: koin developers hub
Any question about Koin usage?
- Come talk on slack #koin channel
- Post your question on Stackoverflow - #koin tag
Found a bug or a problem on a specific feature? Open an issue on Github issues
Want to help or share a proposal about Koin? problem on a specific feature?
- Open an issue to explain the issue you want to solve Open an issue
- Come talk on slack #koin-dev channel
- After discussion to validate your ideas, you can open a PR or even a draft PR if the contribution is a big one Current PRs
Additional readings about basic setup: https://github.com/InsertKoinIO/koin/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.adoc
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