making cross tenant data leaks a thing of the past.
Database multi-tenancy for Rack (and Rails) applications
An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics in R
VanillaJS sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web frameworks
Strategies for cleaning databases in Ruby. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
betelgeuse / cucumber-rails
Forked from cucumber/cucumber-railsRails Generators for Cucumber with special support for Capybara and DatabaseCleaner
the instafailing Cucumber progress bar formatter
betelgeuse / connection_pool
Forked from mperham/connection_poolGeneric connection pooling for Ruby
Sidekiq recipe for EY Cloud
betelgeuse / sidekiq
Forked from sidekiq/sidekiqSimple, efficient message processing for Ruby
betelgeuse / resque-retry
Forked from lantins/resque-retryA resque plugin; provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs.
betelgeuse / schema_plus
Forked from SchemaPlus/schema_plusSchemaPlus provides ActiveRecord support for foreign keys, database defined validations and associations.
Ghost Driver is an implementation of the Remote WebDriver Wire protocol, using PhantomJS as back-end
betelgeuse / ruby-gpgme
Forked from ueno/ruby-gpgmea ruby interface to GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME).
Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
betelgeuse / ey-docs
Forked from engineyard/ey-docsEngine Yard Docs
betelgeuse / IMGKit
Forked from csquared/IMGKitUses wkhtmltoimage to create JPGs, PNGs, and TIFFs from HTML
betelgeuse / rails-footnotes
Forked from indirect/rails-footnotesEvery Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links back to your editor
Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks
betelgeuse / airbrake
Forked from airbrake/airbrakeReports exceptions to Airbrake