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Scrollable Timeline

A scrollable and draggable timeline widget that can be driven by an external time stream, for example, the current playing time of a YouTube video. Multiple timelines can be kept synced and automatically stopped when any of them is dragged.


There are 3 different runnables samples that has been tested both on mobile and on web. Here is a recording of the most complete example, run on a Android device.

YouTube sample

Links to examples code


See the install section at the package page.

Usage Example

  lengthSecs: 100,
  stepSecs: 2,
  height: 120,
  rulerOutsidePadding: 10,
  showCursor: true,
  showMinutes: true,
  backgroundColor: Colors.lightBlue.shade50,
  onDragEnd: (double t) {
    print("*FLT* drag detected for ScrollableTimelineF to target time $t");

Constructor Parameters Reference

Parameter Default value Description
height double the height of the timeline
backgroundColor Colors.white the background color of the timeline
lengthSecs int the total number of seconds shown in the timeline
stepSecs int the time step to use between items in the timeline
shownSecsMultiples 1 int number of seconds between shown seconds marks
itemExtent 60 int width of each time mark item (with text of minutes and seconds)
itemTextColor Colors.grey Color color for minutes and seconds texts in the time line
showMinutes true bool true if both minutes and seconds should be shown in each time mark
showCursor true bool true if the central cursor indicating the current selected time should be shown
cursorColor Color color for the central cursor indicating the current selected time
rulerSize 8 double size of the top and bottom ruler marks
rulerOutsidePadding 10 double outside padding of the the ruler marks: top for the top ruler marks, and bottom for the bottom ruler marks
rulerInsidePadding 5 double inside padding of the the ruler marks: bottom for the top ruler marks and top for the bottom ruler marks
timeStream null Stream? an optional stream of time values. when a value is received the timeline is scrolled to the received time value.
onDragStart callback when the user start dragging the timeline, called with the current time value when dragging started. When in the dragging state, updates from timeStream are ignored
onDragEnd callback when the user stops dragging the timeline, called with the selected time value when dragging ended.

Parameters Legend

  1. rulerOutsidePadding
  2. rulerSize
  3. rulerInsidePadding
  4. minutes text
  5. seconds text
  6. itemExtent
  7. cursor

params legend


Copyright 2022 Dario Elyasy, under the BSD 3-Clause License