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A pipeline for short variant calling from paired-end short-read genome sequencing data


Whole genome sequencing data are used for various purposes including molecular typing, classification and phylogenetic analysis. The snpplet pipeline processes short-read sequencing data to obtain short variants (SNPs and indels). It implements tools for raw read data quality control and preprocessing, read mapping, variant calling and filtering to produce an analysis-ready vcf file. The snpplet pipeline incorporates workflows from samtools and the GATK Best Practices for germline short variant discovery. It also includes a step to parse the SNV table into a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) in the fasta format.


  1. Paired-end short reads (fastq format), e.g. each sample has a pair of files <sample>_1.fastq.gz and <sample>_2.fastq.gz
  2. Reference genome sequence (fasta format)


The pipeline will generate outputs in five subdirectories under the directory results. Here is a brief description of output files.

Directory Files Description
multiqc_fastqc before.html Report of the quality of raw reads of all input samples
multiqc_fastqc after.html Report of the quality of processed reads of all input samples after trimming using Trimmomatic
bam <sample>.bam, <sample>.bam.bai Per-sample mapped read files in BAM format and corresponding index files (.bai)
bam coverage.tsv Summary table of mean depth and genomic coverage from samtools coverage
vcf <sample>.g.vcf.gz, <sample>.g.vcf.gz.tbi Per-sample vcf (in gvcf format) and index files
vcf_joint joint_filtered.vcf.gz, joint_filtered.vcf.gz.tbi Analysis-ready multi-sample vcf of high-quality SNPs
vcf_joint joint_filtered_stats.txt Summary statistics of the vcf file joint_filtered.vcf.gz
aln aln.fasta Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) in fasta format
aln pos.txt List SNP positions in the reference genome corrdinates

Installation and usage

snpplet is designed and developed under Linux systems and MacOSX. For Windows users, please use a virtual machine or Windows subsystem for Linux.

  1. Install dependencies listed in Table 1.

  2. Download snpplet.

    $ git clone
    $ cd snpplet
  3. Specify paths and parameters (see Table 2 below) in the file using text editor.

     nextflow run -resume --ref_genome 'ref/ref.fasta' --reads 'reads/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz' --results 'results' --ref_genome_name 'NC_000962.3' --stop 'true'
  4. Lauch the pipeline execution.

    $ ./
    $ sh

    Paramters and running processes and its progress will be shown as figure below. For more details on how snpplet works, see the next section.

    N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.07.1
    Launching `` [ridiculous_lorenz] - revision: f29238c695
    snpplet v0.2
    Location of reference genome file: /home/bb_20/ref/ref.fasta
    Reference regenome name: NC_000962.3
    Location of raw read files (fastq): /home/bb_20/reads/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz
    Location of results: /home/bb_20/output
    Trimming option (for trimmomatic): SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:70
    Mapping option (for BWA MEM): -c 100 -M -T 50
    Option for HaplotypeCaller (per-sample variant calling): -ploidy 1 -mbq 20
    Option for variant filtering (using VariantFilatration): QD < 2.0 || MQ < 40.0
    (Optional) Stop after finishing step 3 (per-sample variant calling by HaplotypeCaller): false
    executor >  local (15)
    [0a/10fa43] process > PREPARE_GENOME_SAMTOOLS (ref)   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
    [63/a74c11] process > PREPARE_GENOME_PICARD (ref)     [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
    [0c/2dbb31] process > PREPARE_GENOME_BWA (ref)        [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
    [71/d4bb14] process > FASTQC_BEFORE_TRIM (ERR1034689) [ 80%] 4 of 5
    [-        ] process > MULTIQC_FASTQC_BEFORE_TRIM      -
    [f7/9ffdf3] process > TRIM (ERR1034687)               [ 80%] 4 of 5
    [99/ee416e] process > FASTQC_AFTER_TRIM (ERR1034686)  [  0%] 0 of 4
    [-        ] process > MULTIQC_FASTQC_AFTER_TRIM       -
    [5c/7882e7] process > READ_MAPPING_BWA (ERR1034686)   [  0%] 0 of 4
    [-        ] process > COVERAGE_OUTPUT                 -
    [-        ] process > CALL_VARIANTS                   -
    [-        ] process > CREATE_SAMPLE_MAP               -
    [-        ] process > JOINT_GENOTYPING                -
    [-        ] process > FILTER_VARIANTS                 -
    [-        ] process > VCF_TO_FASTA                    -			`				

    Once the run has finised, snpplet will report duration time that was used (example below). It will generate cache files in the directory work/for resuming the pipeline. You will want to delete this directory once the run has successfully completed.

     N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.07.1
     Launching `` [ridiculous_lorenz] - revision: f29238c695
     snpplet v0.2
     Location of reference genome file: /home/bb_20/ref/ref.fasta
     Reference regenome name: NC_000962.3
     Location of raw read files (fastq): /home/bb_20/reads/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz
     Location of results: /home/bb_20/output
     Trimming option (for trimmomatic): SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:70
     Mapping option (for BWA MEM); -c 100 -M -T 50
     Option for HaplotypeCaller (per-sample variant calling); -ploidy 1 -mbq 20
     Option for variant filtering (using VariantFilatration); QD < 2.0 || MQ < 40.0
     (Optional) Stop after finishing step 4 (per-sample variant calling by HaplotypeCaller): false
     executor >  local (35)
     [0a/10fa43] process > PREPARE_GENOME_SAMTOOLS (ref)   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [63/a74c11] process > PREPARE_GENOME_PICARD (ref)     [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [0c/2dbb31] process > PREPARE_GENOME_BWA (ref)        [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [c5/ecda54] process > FASTQC_BEFORE_TRIM (ERR1034688) [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
     [66/1b5299] process > MULTIQC_FASTQC_BEFORE_TRIM      [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [9d/5fbaae] process > TRIM (ERR1034688)               [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
     [66/4a654e] process > FASTQC_AFTER_TRIM (ERR1034688)  [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
     [ba/b8909b] process > MULTIQC_FASTQC_AFTER_TRIM       [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [c6/d877d1] process > READ_MAPPING_BWA (ERR1034688)   [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
     [01/b30c49] process > COVERAGE_OUTPUT                 [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [be/aa02d7] process > CALL_VARIANTS (ERR1034685)      [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
     [1c/ebed9d] process > CREATE_SAMPLE_MAP               [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [b2/6117d7] process > JOINT_GENOTYPING (1)            [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [3b/806024] process > FILTER_VARIANTS (1)             [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [b0/03d1d3] process > VCF_TO_FASTA (1)                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     Completed at: 02-Nov-2020 12:36:48
     Duration    : 11m 11s
     CPU hours   : 0.5
     Succeeded   : 35
     Time used: 00:00:00

Steps in the snpplet pipeline

1. Preprocessing of NGS reads

Trimmomatic is used to trim Illumina adapters and low quality base calls in reads. Reads that are shorter than the specified minimum length after trimming will be dropped. The default option is -PE -phred33, ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10, SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30, MINLEN:70. This means bases from the 3' end of the read is removed if the average base quality across 4 bases is below 30, and the remaining read has at least 70 bases.

FastQC is used to assess the quality of the reads before and after processing with Trimmomatic. Then MultiQC is used to parse results from FastQC for each sample to produce summary tables of all samples.

2. Mapping, indexing, sorting, and calculating depth and coverage of mapped reads

Processed reads are mapped to the reference genome sequence with BWA MEM. Default setting is -c 100 -M -T 50. The resulting SAM files are converted into BAM files using samtools commands (per samtools workflow). Duplicate reads are marked by Picard's MarkDuplicates in GATK. The average depth and genomic coverage of mapped reads for each sample are calculated from the BAM file using samtools coverage. The results are parsed into a table called coverage.tsv.

3. Per-sample variant calling

BAM files are passed to GATK HaplotypeCaller for calling short variants (SNPs and indels). Default option uses the minimum base quality of 20 and ploidy of 1 for haploid organisms (-ploidy 1 -mbq 20). This step generates an intermediate file in the GVCF format for each sample.

A tab-delimited file, called sample_map.txt containing a list of sample names and GVCF file names, is generated and saved to the input directory. It file looks like

        Sample_1 Sample_1.g.vcf.gz
        Sample_2 Sample_2.g.vcf.gz
        Sample_3 Sample_3.g.vcf.gz
                .         .
        Sample_n  Sample_n.g.vcf.gz

The purpose of this file is to allow the user to manually exclude samples, for instance, based on inspection of the read quality (HTML reports from MultiQC) and mapping depth and coverage (coverage.tsv). For this, the user can use the option --stop true. Useful criteria include minimum read quality score, %GC content, minimum mean depth and minimum genome coverage. By default (--stop false), snpplet will proceed to the next step and perform joint genotyping using all samples. The list of the samples to use (i.e. not excluded) must be in the file called sample_map_usr.txt in the input directory (e.g. created by copying from sample_map.txt and deleted the lines corresponding to the samples to exclude, one sample per line).

To resume the pipeline, simply execute ./sh

4. Joint genotyping

GATK GenomicsDBImport is used to create a GenomicsDB workspace and then import single-sample GVCF files into this workspace. Then GATK GenotypeGVCFs is used to perform joint genotyping on the GenomicsDB workspace to produce a single multi-sample VCF file. By default, GenomicsDBImport uses all samples as listed in the sample_map.txt. If the user-created file sample_map_usr.txt is present in the input directory, the list of samples in this file will be used instead.

5. Variant filtering

By default, indels are filtered out using GATK SelectVariants with option -select-type SNP. The low-quality SNPs are also filtered out using GATK VariantsFiltration with option --exclude-filtered. The default filter is QD < 2.0 || MQ < 40.0. After filtering, the resulting analysis-ready VCF file is generated as joint_filtered.vcf.gz in the vcf_joint directory in output directory.


Finally, the filtered VCF file joint_filtered.vcf.gz is processed to produce a multiple sequence alignment file called aln.fasta (FASTA format, in aln directory in the output directory) using a combination of tools including GATK VariantsToTable and datamash. Positions of the SNPs in the reference coordiates are reported a separate file named pos.txt in the same directory.

Table 1 - Dependencies

Table 2 - Arguments (paths and parameters)

Argument Description Default value
--reads the location of the read fastq files reads/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz
--ref_genome the location of the read fastq files ref/reference.fasta
--results the location where the results will be stored results
--ref_genome_name genome name NC000962.3
--trimming_option parameter for trimming (Trimmomatic) "SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:70"
--mapping_option parameter for read mapping (BWA) "-c 100 -M -T 50"
--haplotypecaller_option parameter for per-sample variant calling (GATK HaplotypeCaller) "-ploidy 1 -mbq 20"
--genomicsdbimport_option parameter for joint (GATK GenomicsDBImport) "--batch-size 200"
--genotypegvcfs_option parameter for joint (GATK GenotypeGVCFs) "-ploidy 1"
--variant_filter parameter for variant filtering (GATK VariantsFiltration) `"QD < 2.0
--variant_filter_name name of the variant filter "qd-mq"
--selectvariant_option parameter for selecting variants (GATK SelectVariants) "--exclude-filtered -select-type SNP"
--stop whether to pause after step 3 (per-sample variant calling) false

Quick installation of snpplet's dependencies

For Linux systems using bash shell.

1. Install homebrew and homebrew/science/bio

1.1 Install curl and git:

      $ sudo apt-get update

1.2 Install homebrew:

     $ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" 

1.2.1 Set $PATH:

     $ echo 'eval $(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)' >> /home/user/.profile 

1.2.2 Evaluate .profile:

     $ eval $(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv) 

1.3 Install build-essential:

      $ sudo apt-get install build-essential 

1.4 Install gcc:

      $ brew install gcc 

1.5 Tap brewsci/bio:

      $ brew tap brewsci/bio 

2. Install dependencies for snpplet via homebrew

 $ brew install nextflow gatk fastqc samtools bcftools trimmomatic bwa datamash

Launch nexflow to install its dependencies by running nextflow

3. Install multiqc (a python package) using pip:

    $ pip3 install multiqc

Schematic outline



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  • Nextflow 98.8%
  • Shell 1.2%