The app is created as the final / capstone project for the Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree.
Start your journey of gratitude and happiness in life by recording the best things on your life and introspect on them. The app provides you with simple questions to answer to record your day such as “What are the good things that happened today ? “ , so that instead of writing long journal entries , you only need to record the most important things of your day and save them.
This app is for everyone who wants to record their day in a fast and easy way in a digital journal. This app instead of providing blank page to write your journal , gives your well thought out questions to answer daily and record highlights.
The main features of the app are:
- A navigation drawer allows the user to navigate to different screens
- Main screen shows recent journal entries sorted according to latest date.
- A diary entry consists of a set of questions that the user answers daily.
- The calendar screen allows the user to view entry by selecting the date from the calendar view.