- troyes
Official Code for DragGAN (SIGGRAPH 2023)
Run JetBrains IDEs remotely with Docker
Faker-Picture is a provider for the FakerPHP library to get a random image URL from https://picsum.photos.
🐳 Dockerized your Symfony project using a complete stack (Makefile, Docker-Compose, CI, bunch of quality insurance tools, tests ...) with a base according to up-to-date components and best practices.
🐳 Dockerized your web environment using PHP7, NGINX, COMPOSER, PHPUNIT, PHP-CS-FIXER, XDEBUG.
🚀 A simple Symfony LTS website-skeleton with some features such as WebpackEncore (Bootstrap Sass/JQuery), Stimulus, TimeContinuum, User Auth, Translations ... and so on.
⚙️ NGINX config generator on steroids 💉
A Social Media Enumeration & Correlation Tool by Jacob Wilkin(Greenwolf)
JavaScript QR Code scanner for HTML5 supporting browsers
🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for PHP
Integrate Symfony with WordPress and WordPress with Symfony
Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
Support de l'article developpez.com "Evoluer vers une architecture MVC en PHP"