Code for Transformers Solve Limited Receptive Field for Monocular Depth Prediction
Monocular Depth Estimation Toolbox based on MMSegmentation.
(ICLR) Pseudo-LiDAR++: Accurate Depth for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
Code for the ICCV paper "Fine-Grained Segmentation Networks: Self-Supervised Segmentation for Improved Long-Term Visual Localization"
My personal note about local and global descriptor
Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
From Coarse to Fine: Robust Hierarchical Localization at Large Scale with HF-Net (
[ICRA2020] Multispectral Domain Invariant Image for Retrieval-based Place Recognition
인공준희 팀, 동영상기반 수화 인식 (2019)
2019학년도 1학기 지능기전공학부 인공지능 수업
Unsupervised single image depth prediction with CNNs
Simple tutorials using Google's TensorFlow Framework