A toolbox for spectral compressive imaging reconstruction including MST (CVPR 2022), CST (ECCV 2022), DAUHST (NeurIPS 2022), BiSCI (NeurIPS 2023), HDNet (CVPR 2022), MST++ (CVPRW 2022), etc.
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An AI virtual character project that renders through AR, combines multimodal large models, and is implemented through Unity AR Foundation
This is a personal wiki library.
一套实用工具和服务,使 TypeScript 在 Vue 项目中变得轻松愉快。A set of practical tools and services that make working with TypeScript in Vue projects easy and enjoyable.
[CVPR 2024 Highlight🔥] Chat-UniVi: Unified Visual Representation Empowers Large Language Models with Image and Video Understanding
A module for Python that facilitates easier usage of Docker in Python.
TinyEngine is a low-code engine based on which you can build or develop low-code platforms in different domains/TinyEngine是一个低代码引擎,基于这个引擎可以构建或者开发出不同领域的低代码平台
mongo lambda query for spring boot plugin
【ICCV 2023】This is the official Pytorch implementation of our ICCV2023 paper "MEFLUT: Unsupervised 1D Lookup Tables for Multi-exposure Image Fusion".
Code for the paper "nnMobileNet: Rethinking CNN for Retinopathy Research"
Android On_device 1:1 Face Recognition And Alive Detect;1:N & M:N Face Search SDK 。 🧒 离线版设备端Android1:1人脸识别动作活体检测,静默活体检测 以及1:N M:N 人脸搜索 SDK 封装
功能强大种类丰富的开源数字货币合约交易所。基于Spring Cloud Alibaba的比特币币交易所,比特币交易所 | BTC交易所 | ETH交易所 | 区块链 |撮合机器人| 本项目有后台管理(后端+前端)、前台(交易、活动、个人中心等)、安卓APP源码等,项目有实时在线体验链接,即刻体验!
Competition work of qiniu 1024 code marathon
A Cloud-Native Proxyless Service Mesh based on Java Bytecode Enhancement Technology
High-performance Redis distributed lock service based on Go language. 基于Go语言实现的高性能Redis分布式锁服务。
基于SpringBoot,Spring Security,Vue & naiveUi 实现的前后端分离权限管理简易系统
🐦sparrow is library to generate out-of-box http project and provide tools to generate sql and api, which saves your life 👼