🔭 I’m currently working on Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, CI/CD
🌱 I’m currently learning Go Lang, Chef, Terraform, Ansible
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on DevOps
🤝 I’m looking for help with Site Reliability Engineering
💬 Ask me about DevOps, Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, System Administration(Linux, MacOS)
📫 How to reach me [email protected] / [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences https://www.linkedin.com/in/bighnesh-kumar-pati-56a8941a1/

- Bengaluru
(UTC +05:30) - @bighnesh_pati
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Elastic-Stack-Docker-Compose PublicELK(Elastic-Search, Logstash, Kibana) stack powered by docker and docker-compose.
Face-Mask-Detection-using-CNN PublicDuring pandemic COVID-19, WHO has made wearing masks compulsory to protect against this deadly virus. In this project we will develop a machine learning project – Real-time Face Mask Detector with …
Sentiment-Analysis-using-Deep-Neural-Network PublicThis is a deep neural network model used to predict the sentiments of the customers who reviewed and rated the movies. We build this deep neural model using 2 layers of a deep neural network. The a…
Jupyter Notebook 2
Digit-Recognition-with-Tensorflow PublicThis is a digit recognition system in which we have to draw the pattern of the digit and the model will automatically decide which is the Digit. This is done with the help of Tensorflow, Keras Data…
Python 1
Human-Pose-Estimation-using-CNN PublicPerform Human Pose Estimation in OpenCV Using OpenPose MobileNet.
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