Vanilla Music player is a GPLv3 licensed MP3/OGG/FLAC/PCM player for Android with the following features:
- multiple playlist support
- grouping by artist, album or genre
- plain filesystem browsing
- ReplayGain support
- headset/Bluetooth controls
- accelerometer/shake control
- cover art support
- ScrobbleDroid support for integration
You can donate to Vanilla Musics development via gratipay
You can help translate here. If your language isn't on the list, open an issue and I can add it.
- A list of open issues can be found at the issue tracker
- Features we would like to see (but nobody started working on them yet) have the patches-welcome label attached to them. Please let us know if you start working on such an open issue (to avoid duplicate work)
- We accept raw patches and github pull request - and we use tabs.
To build you will need:
- A Java compiler compatible with Java 1.7
- The Android SDK with platform 23 (Marshmallow) installed
gradle build
to build the APK- Optional:
gradle installDebug
to install the APK to a connected device
android update project --path .
to generate local.propertiesant debug
to build the APK at bin/VanillaMusic-debug.apk- Optional:
ant installd
to install the APK to a connected device
You can also build with Android Studio by importing this project into it.
You can also build from Eclipse. Create a new Android Project, choosing "Create project from exisiting source", then set the compiler compliance level to 1.6 in project settings.
Javadocs can be generated using gradle javadoc
or ant doc