A CFC for the Google Calendar V3 API.
install cf-googlecal-v3
The Examples project provides a working template with oauth2 to get started. https://github.com/billeatman/CF-GoogleCal-V3-Examples
Calendar Methods Implemented: GetAllCalendars GetCalendar CreateCalendar RemoveCalendar UpdateCalendar
Event Methods Implemented: GetAllEvents GetEvents CreateEvent UpdateEvent RemoveAllEvents RemoveEvent
This cfc for Google Calendar V3 API is starting to take shape, but I could still use help to make it better. Email me at [email protected] if you would like to help. :-) We only have until the 17th! Before the old V1 is shutdown forever!
Author: William Eatman @billeatman
Based on the original GoogleCal by Raymond Camden @raymondcamden http://googlecal.riaforge.org/
Based on Oauth2 work done by Matt Gifford @coldfumonkeh http://googleanalytics.riaforge.org/