The smol age application frontend.
- Clone the project
git clone
- Go to the root directory:
cd Smol-Age-Website && cd frontend
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Start the localhost:
npm run dev
- The website will be running locally at: http://localhost:3000
- Add the new abi under
with the name of the contract. - Run
npm run typechain
to generate the new typechain definitions.
We need to follow 4 steps to add new images to the customizer:
- Images need to be added into the addons folder with the right name
- Images need to be added into the addons folder with the right name
- Images need to be added to the Dynamic traits API with the same name.
- Images need to be added to the Dynamic traits API with the same name.
- In the addons controller contract we need to add the new allowed addons, this is easier done through the scripts on the NeandersmolsV2 contract.
- In the Addons component we need to define the allowed addons (src/components/phase2/customizer/index.tsx)
const ALL_ADDONS: {
value: string;
name: string;
type: 'hat' | 'hand' | 'mask' | 'special';
skill: Skill;
}[] = [
value: 'farmerhat',
name: 'Farmer Hat',
type: 'hat',
skill: Skill.Farmers,
value: 'stick',
name: 'Stick',
type: 'hand',
skill: Skill.Farmers,
value: 'wizardhat',
name: 'Wizard Hat',
type: 'hat',
skill: Skill.Mystics,
value: 'elderscepter',
name: 'Elder Scepter',
type: 'hand',
skill: Skill.Mystics,
value: 'fighterhat',
name: 'Fighter Hat',
type: 'hat',
skill: Skill.Fighters,