#Billy's Billing PHP SDK
PHP SDK for Billy's Billing API version 1 only from the Danish accounting program Billy's Billing.
Read API Terms before use. For further information, see API Docs.
Note: This SDK only works with API v1. For v2 you can use this PHP SDK for v2.
##Installation Download code and include bootstrap.php; example using require():
It might be preferable to use a relative path from the current file to include the SDK, especially when using the SDK in a module or extension:
require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/path/to/billysbilling-php/bootstrap.php");
##Examples Include the bootstrap file, instantiate the Client class, retrieve all invoices and print out a list of invoice IDs.
$client = new Billy_Client("054280dbff08bf095fd08683dce80aed");
$invoices = $client->get("invoices");
foreach ($invoices as $invoice) {
echo $invoice->id . "\n";
Include the bootstrap file, instantiate the Client class, retrive an invoice and print out some details.
$client = new Billy_Client("054280dbff08bf095fd08683dce80aed");
$invoice = $client->get("invoices/55023-NBgG9CFInhPGMP");
echo $invoice->amount . "\n";
echo $invoice->vat;
Include the bootstrap file, instantiate the Client class, create a new contact and print contact ID.
$client = new Billy_Client("054280dbff08bf095fd08683dce80aed");
$response = $client->post("contacts", array(
"name" => "Billy",
"countryId" => "DK",
"phone" => "12345678"
echo $response->id;
Include the bootstrap file, instantiate the Client class, update a contact and print contact ID.
$client = new Billy_Client("054280dbff08bf095fd08683dce80aed");
$response = $client->put("contacts/55023-NBgG9CFInhPGMP", array(
"name" => "John"
echo $response->id;
Include the bootstrap file, instantiate the Client class, delete a contact and print contact ID.
$client = new Billy_Client("054280dbff08bf095fd08683dce80aed");
$response = $client->delete("contacts/55023-NBgG9CFInhPGMP");
echo $response->id;