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Pages plugin

This plugin allows end users to create and edit static pages and menus with a simple WYSIWYG user interface.

Managing static pages

Static pages are managed on the Pages tab of the Static Pages plugin. Static pages have three required parameters - Title, URL and Layout. The URL is generated automatically when the Title is entered, but it could be changed manually. URLs must start with the forward slash character. The Layout drop-down allows to select a layout created with the CMS. Only layouts that host the staticPage component are displayed in the drop-down.

image {.img-responsive .frame}

Pages are hierarchical. The page hierarchy is used when a new page URL is generated, but as URLs can be changed manually, the hierarchy doesn't really affect the routing process. The only place where the page hierarchy matters is the generated Menus. The generated menus reflect the page hierarchy. You can manage the page hierarchy by dragging pages in the page tree. The page drag handle appears when you move the mouse cursor over page item in the tree.

Optional properties of static pages are Hidden and Hide in navigation. The Hidden checkbox allows to hide a page from the front-end. Hidden pages are still visible for administrators who are logged into the back-end. The Hide in navigation checkbox allows to hide a page from generated menus and breadcrumbs.


If a static layout contains placeholders, the static page editor will show tabs for editing the placeholder contents. The plugin automatically detects text and HTML placeholders and displays a corresponding editor for them - the WYSIWYG editor for HTML placeholders and a text editor for text placeholders.


Snippets are elements that can be added by a Static Page, in the rich text editor. They allow to inject complex (and interactive) areas to pages. There are many possible applications and examples of using Snippets:

  • Google Maps snippet - outputs a map centered on specific coordinates with predefined zoom factor. That snippet would be great for static pages that explain directions.
  • Universal commenting system - allows visitors to post comments to any static page.
  • Third-party integrations - for example with Yelp or TripAdvisor for displaying extra information on a static page.

Snippets are displayed in the sidebar list on the Static Pages and can be added into a rich editor with a mouse click. Snippets are configurable and have properties that users can manage with the Inspector.



Managing menus

You can manage menus on the Menus tab of the Static Pages plugin. A website can contain multiple menus, for example the main menu, footer menu, sidebar menu, etc. A theme developer can place menus to a page layout with the staticMenu component.

Menus have two required parameters - the menu Name and menu Code. The menu name is displayed in the menu list in the back-end. The menu code is required for referring menus in the layout code, it's the API parameter.

image {.img-responsive .frame}

Menus can contain multiple menu items, and menu items can be nested. Each menu item has a number of properties. There are properties common for all menu item types, and some properties depend on the item type. The common menu item properties are Title and Type. The Title defines the menu item text. The Type is a drop-down list which displays all menu item types available in your OctoberCMS copy.

image {.img-responsive .frame}

Standard menu item types

The available menu item types depend on the installed plugins, but there are three basic item types that are supported out of the box.

Header {.subheader}

Items of this type are used for displaying text and don't link to anything. The text could be used as a category heading for other menu items. This type will only show a title property.

URL {.subheader}

Items of this type are links to a specific fixed URL. That could be an URL of an or internal page. Items of this type don't have any other properties - just the title and URL.

Static Page {.subheader}

Items of this type refer to static pages. The static page should be selected in the Reference drop-down list described below.

All Static Pages {.subheader}

Items of this type expand to create links to all static pages defined in the theme. Nested pages are represented with nested menu items.

Custom menu item types

Other plugins can supply new menu item types. For example, the Blog plugin by RainLab supplies two more types:

Blog Category {.subheader}

An item of this type represents a link to a specific blog category. The category should be selected in the Reference drop-down. This menu type also requires selecting a CMS page that outputs a blog category.

All Blog Categories {.subheader}

An item of this time expands into multiple items representing all blog existing categories. This menu type also requires selecting a CMS page.

Menu item properties

Depending on the selected menu item time you might need to provide other properties of the menu item. The available properties are described below.

Reference {.subheader}

A drop-down list of objects the menu item should refer to. The list content depends on the menu item type. For the Static page item type the list displays all static pages defined in the system. For the Blog category item type the list displays a list of blog categories.

Allow nested items {.subheader}

This checkbox is available only for menu item types that suppose nested objects. For example, static pages are hierarchical, and this property is available for the Static page item type. On the other hand, blog categories are not hierarchical, and the checkbox is hidden.

Replace this item with its generated children {.subheader}

A checkbox determining whether the menu item should be replaced with generated menu items. This property is available only for menu item types that suppose automatic item generating, for example for the Static page menu item type. The Blog category menu item type doesn't have this property because blog categories cannot be nested and menu items of this type always point to a specific blog category. This property is very handy when you want to include generated menu items to the root of the menu. For example, you can create the All blog categories menu item and enable the replacing. As a result you will get a menu that lists all blog categories on the first level of the menu. If you didn't enable the replacing, there would be a root menu item, with blog categories listed under it.

CMS Page {.subheader}

This drop-down is available for menu item types that require a special CMS page to refer to. For example, the Blog category menu item type requires a CMS page that hosts the blogPosts component. The CMS Page drop-down for this item type will only display pages that include this component.

Code {.subheader}

The Code field allows to assign the API code that you can use to set the active menu item explicitly in the page's onInit() handler described in the documentation.

See also

Read the Getting started with Static Pages tutorial in the Blog.

The plugin currently includes three components: Static Page, Static Menu and Static Breadcrumbs.

Integrating the Static Pages plugin

In the simplest case you could create a layout in the CMS area and drop the plugin's components to its body. The next example layout outputs a menu, breadcrumbs and a static page:

        <title>{{ }}</title>
        {% component 'staticMenu' %}
        {% component 'staticBreadcrumbs' %}
        {% page %}
</html> {.img-responsive .frame}

Static pages

Include the Static Page component to the layout. The Static Page component has two public properties:

  • title - specifies the static page title.
  • content - the static page content.
Static menus

Add the staticMenu component to the static page layout to output a menu. The static menu component has the code property that should refer a code of a static menu the component should display. In the Inspector the code field is displayed as Menu.

The static menu component injects the menuItems page variable. The default component partial outputs a simple nested unordered list for menus:

        <a href="">Home</a>
    <li class="child-active">
        <a href="">About</a>
            <li class="active">
                <a href="">Directions</a>

You might want to render the menus with your own code. The menuItems variable is an array of the RainLab\Pages\Classes\MenuItemReference objects. Each object has the following properties:

  • title - specifies the menu item title.
  • url - specifies the absolute menu item URL.
  • isActive - indicates whether the item corresponds to a page currently being viewed.
  • isChildActive - indicates whether the item contains an active subitem.
  • items - an array of the menu item subitems, if any. If there are no subitems, the array is empty

The static menu component also has the menuItems property that you can access in the Twig code using the component's alias, for example:

{% for item in staticMenu.menuItems %}
   <li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ item.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

The staticBreadcrumbs component outputs breadcrumbs for static pages. This component doesn't have any properties. The default component partial outputs a simple unordered list for the breadcrumbs:

    <li><a href="">About</a></li>
    <li class="active"><a href="">Directions</a></li>

The component injects the breadcrumbs page variable that contains an array of the MenuItemReference objects described above.

Setting the active menu item explicitly

In some cases you might want to mark a specific menu item as active explicitly. You can do that in the page's onInit() function with assigning the activeMenuItem page variable a value matching the menu item code you want to make active. Menu item codes are managed in the Edit Menu Item popup.

function onInit()
    $this['activeMenuItem'] = 'blog';
Linking to static pages

When a static page is first created it will be assigned a file name based on the URL. For example, a page with the URL /chairs will create a content file called static-pages/chairs.htm in the theme. This file will not change even if the URL is changed at a later time.

To create a link to a static page, use the |staticPage filter:

<a href="{{ 'chairs'|staticPage }}">Go to Chairs</a>

This filter translates to PHP code as:

echo RainLab\Pages\Classes\Page::url('chairs');

If you want to link to the static page by its URL, simply use the |app filter:

<a href="{{ '/chairs'|app }}">Go to Chairs</a>


Placeholders defined in the layout are automatically detected by the Static Pages plugin. The Edit Static Page form displays a tab for each placeholder defined in the layout used by the page. Placeholders are defined in the layout in the usual way:

{% placeholder ordering %}

The placeholder tag accepts some optional attributes:

  • title: manages the tab title in the Static Page editor.
  • type: manages the placeholder type. There are two types supported at the moment - text and html.
  • ignore: if set to true, will be ignored by the Static Page editor.

The content of text placeholders is escaped before it's displayed. Text placeholders are edited with a regular (non-WYSIWYG) text editor. The title and type attributes should be defined after the placeholder code:

{% placeholder ordering title="Ordering information" type="text" %}

They should also appear after the default attribute, if it's presented.

{% placeholder ordering default title="Ordering information" type="text" %}
    There is no ordering information for this product.
{% endplaceholder %}

To prevent a placeholder from appearing in the editor set the ignore attribute.

{% placeholder systemInfo ignore=true %}

Creating new menu item types

Plugins can extend the Static Pages plugin with new menu item types. Please refer to the Blog plugin for the integration example. New item types are registered with the API events triggered by the Static Pages plugin. The event handlers should be defined in the boot() method of the plugin registration file. There are three events that should be handled in the plugin.

  • pages.menuitem.listType event handler should return a list of new menu item types supported by the plugin.
  • pages.menuitem.getTypeInfo event handler returns detailed information about a menu item type.
  • pages.menuitem.resolveItem event handler "resolves" a menu item information and returns the actual item URL, title, an indicator whether the item is currently active, and subitems, if any.

The next example shows an event handler registration code for the Blog plugin. The Blog plugin registers two item types. As you can see, the Blog plugin uses the Category class to handle the events. That's a recommended approach.

public function boot()
    Event::listen('pages.menuitem.listTypes', function() {
        return [
            'blog-category'=>'Blog category',
            'all-blog-categories'=>'All blog categories',

    Event::listen('pages.menuitem.getTypeInfo', function($type) {
        if ($type == 'blog-category' || $type == 'all-blog-categories')
            return Category::getMenuTypeInfo($type);

    Event::listen('pages.menuitem.resolveItem', function($type, $item, $url, $theme) {
        if ($type == 'blog-category' || $type == 'all-blog-categories')
            return Category::resolveMenuItem($item, $url, $theme);
Registering new menu item types

New menu item types are registered with the pages.menuitem.listTypes event handlers. The handler should return an associative array with the type codes in indexes and type names in values. It's highly recommended to use the plugin name in the type codes, to avoid conflicts with other menu item type providers. Example:

    `my-plugin-item-type` => 'My plugin menu item type'
Returning information about an item type

Plugins should provide detailed information about the supported menu item types with the pages.menuitem.getTypeInfo event handlers. The handler gets a single parameter - the menu item type code (one of the codes you registered with the pages.menuitem.listTypes handler). The handler code must check whether the requested item type code belongs to the plugin. The handler should return an associative array in the following format:

Array (
    [dynamicItems]  => 0,
    [nesting]       => 0,
    [references]    => Array (
        [11] => News,
        [12] => Tutorials,
        [33] => Philosophy
    [cmsPages]      => Array (
        [0] => Cms\Classes\Page object,
        [1] => Cms\Classes\Page object

All elements of the array are optional and depend on the menu item type. The default values for dynamicItems and nesting are false and these keys can be omitted.

dynamicItems element

The dynamicItems element is a Boolean value indicating whether the item type could generate new menu items. Optional, false if omitted. Examples of menu item types that generate new menu items: All blog categories, Static page. Examples of item types that don't generate new menu items: URL, Blog category.

nesting element

The nesting element is a Boolean value indicating whether the item type supports nested items. Optional, false if omitted. Examples of item types that support nesting: Static page, All static pages. Examples of item types that don't support nesting: Blog category, URL.

references element

The references element is a list objects the menu item could refer to. For example, the Blog category menu item type returns a list of the blog categories. Some object supports nesting, for example static pages. Other objects don't support nesting, for example the blog categories. The format of the references value depends on whether the references have subitems or not. The format for references that don't support subitems is

['item-key' => 'Item title']

The format for references with subitems is

['item-key' => ['title'=>'Item title', 'items'=>[...]]]

The reference keys should reflect the object identifier they represent. For blog categories keys match the category identifiers. A plugin should be able to load an object by its key in the pages.menuitem.resolveItem event handler. The references element is optional, it is required only if a menu item type supports the Reference drop-down, or, in other words, if the user should be able to select an object the menu item refers to.

cmsPages element

The cmsPages is a list of CMS pages that can display objects supported by the menu item type. For example, for the Blog category item type the page list contains pages that host the blogPosts component. That component can display a blog category contents. The cmsPages element should be an array of the Cms\Classes\Page objects. The next code snippet shows how to return a list of pages hosting a specific component.

use Cms\Classes\Page as CmsPage;
use Cms\Classes\Theme;


$result = [];
$theme = Theme::getActiveTheme();
$pages = CmsPage::listInTheme($theme, true);

$cmsPages = [];
foreach ($pages as $page) {
    if (!$page->hasComponent('blogPosts'))

    $cmsPages[] = $page;

$result['cmsPages'] = $cmsPages;
return $result;
Resolving menu items

When the Static Pages plugin generates a menu on the front-end, every menu item should resolved by the plugin that supplies the menu item type. The process of resolving involves generating the real item URL, determining whether the menu item is active, and generating the subitems (if required). Plugins should register the pages.menuitem.resolveItem event handler in order to resolve menu items. The event handler takes four arguments:

  • $type - the item type name. Plugins must only handle item types they provide and ignore other types.
  • $item - the menu item object (RainLab\Pages\Classes\MenuItem). The menu item object represents the menu item configuration provided by the user. The object has the following properties: title, type, reference, cmsPage, nesting.
  • $url - specifies the current absolute URL, in lower case. Always use the Url::to() helper to generate menu item links and compare them with the current URL.
  • $theme - the current theme object (Cms\Classes\Theme).

The event handler should return an array. The array keys depend on whether the menu item contains subitems or not. Expected result format:

Array (
    [url] =>
    [isActive] => 1,
    [items] => Array (
        [0] => Array  (
            [title] => Another category
            [url] =>
            [isActive] => 1

        [1] => Array (
                [title] => News
                [url] =>
                [isActive] => 0

The url and isActive elements are required for menu items that point to a specific page, but it's not always the case. For example, the All blog categories menu item type doesn't have a specific page to point to. It generates multiple menu items. In this case the items should be listed in the items element. The items element should only be provided if the menu item's nesting property is true.

As the resolving process occurs every time when the front-end page is rendered, it's a good idea to cache all the information required for resolving menu items, if that's possible.

If your item type requires a CMS page to resolve item URLs, you might need to return the selected page's URL, and sometimes pass parameters to the page through the URL. The next code example shows how to load a blog category CMS page referred by a menu item and how to generate an URL to this page. The blog category page has the blogPosts component that can load the requested category slug from the URL. We assume that the URL parameter is called 'slug', although it can be edited manually. We skip the part that loads the real parameter name for the simplicity. Please refer to the Blog plugin for the reference.

use Cms\Classes\Page as CmsPage;
use October\Rain\Router\Helper as RouterHelper;
use Str;
use Url;


$page = CmsPage::loadCached($theme, $item->cmsPage);

// Always check if the page can be resolved
if (!$page)

// Generate the URL
$url = CmsPage::url($page->getBaseFileName(), ['slug' => $category->slug]);

$url = Url::to(Str::lower(RouterHelper::normalizeUrl($url)));

To determine whether an item is active just compare it with the $url argument of the event handler.


Snippets are elements that can be added by non-technical user to a Static Page, in the rich text editor. They allow to inject complex (and interactive) areas to pages. There are many possible applications and examples of using Snippets:

  • Google Maps snippet - outputs a map centered on specific coordinates with predefined zoom factor. That snippet would be great for static pages that explain directions.
  • Universal commenting system - allows visitors to post comments to any static page.
  • Third-party integrations - for example with Yelp or TripAdvisor for displaying extra information on a static page.

Snippets are displayed in the sidebar list on the Static Pages and can be added into a rich editor with a mouse click. Snippets are configurable and have properties that users can manage with the Inspector.

Snippets can be created from partials or programmatically in plugins. Conceptually snippets are similar to CMS components (and technically, components can act as snippets).

Snippets created from partials

Partial-based snippets provide simpler functionality and usually are just containers for HTML markup (or markup generated with Twig in a snippet).

To create snippet from a partial just enter the snippet code and snippet name in the partial form.


The snippet properties are optional and can be defined with the grid control on the partial settings form. The table has the following columns:

  • Property title - specifies the property title. The property title will be visible to the end user in the snippet inspector popup window.
  • Property code - specifies the property code. The property code is used for accessing the property values in the partial markup. See the example below. The property code should start with a Latin letter and can contain Latin letters and digits.
  • Type - the property type. Available types are String, Dropdown and Checkbox.
  • Default - the default property value. For Checkbox properties use 0 and 1 values.
  • Options - the option list for the drop-down properties. The option list should have the following format: key:Value | key2:Value. The keys represent the internal option value, and values represent the string that users see in the drop-down list. The pipe character separates individual options. Example: us:US | ca:Canada. The key is optional, if it's omitted (US | Canada), the internal option value will be zero-based integer (0, 1, ...). It's recommended to always use explicit option keys. The keys can contain only Latin letters, digits and characters - and _.

Any property defined in the property list can be accessed within the partial markdown as a usual variable, for example:

The country name is {{ country }}

In addition, properties can be passed to the partial components using an external property value.

Snippets created from components

Any component can be registered as a snippet and be used in Static Pages. To register a snippet, add the registerPageSnippets() method to your plugin class in the registration file. The API for registering a snippet is similar to the one for registering components - the method should return an array with class names in keys and aliases in values:

public function registerPageSnippets()
    return [
       '\RainLab\Weather\Components\Weather' => 'weather'

A same component can be registered with registerPageSnippets() and registerComponents() and used in CMS pages and Static Pages.

Custom page fields

There is a special syntax you can use inside your layout to add custom fields to the page editor form, called Syntax Fields. For example, if you add the following markup to a Layout that uses Static Pages:

{variable name="tagline" label="Tagline" tab="Header" type="text"}{/variable}
{variable name="banner" label="Banner" tab="Header" type="mediafinder" mode="image"}{/variable}

These act just like regular form field definitions. Accessing the variables inside the markup is just as easy:

<h1>{{ tagline }}</h1>
<img src="{{ banner|media }}" alt="" />

Alternatively you may use the field type as the tag name, here we use the {text} tag to directly render the tagline variable:

<h1>{text name="tagline" label="Tagline"}Our wonderful website{/text}</h1>

You may also use the {repeater} tag for repeating content:

{repeater name="content_sections" prompt="Add another content section"}
        {text name="content_header" label="Content section" placeholder="Type in a heading and enter some content for it below"}{/text}
        {richeditor name="content_body" size="large"}{/richeditor}

For more details on syntax fields, see the Parser section of the October documentation.

Custom menu item form fields

Just like CMS objects have the view bag component to store arbitrary values, you may use the viewBag property of the MenuItem class to store custom data values and add corresponding form fields.

Event::listen('backend.form.extendFields', function ($widget) {

    if (
        !$widget->getController() instanceof \RainLab\Pages\Controllers\Index ||
        !$widget->model instanceof \RainLab\Pages\Classes\MenuItem
    ) {

        'viewBag[featured]' => [
            'tab' => 'Display',
            'label' => 'Featured',
            'comment' => 'Mark this menu item as featured',
            'type' => 'checkbox'

This value can then be accessed in Twig using the {{ item.viewBag }} property on the menu item. For example:

{% for item in items %}
    <li class="{{ item.viewBag.featured ? 'featured' }}">
        <a href="{{ item.url }}">
            {{ item.title }}
{% endfor %}


Adds static pages and menus







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