Product documentation contents is located in their respective folder.
Documentation site is built using DocFX. Download DocFX as a release zip, expand to a folder and add that folder, with docfx.exe, to the path.
Build and host the site using the serve.bat
or serve.ps1
files in the docfx
folder. The default site is served on port 8080. Use the shortcut file to open localhost on port 8080, or click here. Peruse the site and its contents.
Content is stored in md files. Use linting and adhere to best practices for markdown formatting as well as for file names for DocFX.
Sample extensions For Visual Studio Code, run from command line to install:
code --install-extension DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint
code --install-extension shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced
(broken in current version of VS Code)code --install-extension tintoy.docfx-assistant
code --install-extension
code --install-extension ms-docfx.docfx
Guidelines for DocFX based markdown format and styling can be found here
Rendering engine is Markdig. Additional styling and formatting options described at the Markdig GitHub page. This allows direct embedding of YouTube videos etc. using Markdown syntax rather than html.
Table of contents files are stored as toc.yml files. Refer to the DocFX page on toc's for more information
to build the PDF version the following prerequisites are needed:
- wkhtmltopdf
- Add
C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin
to Path
Build sample PDF version using the following command, or use the buildPfd.bat file
docfx pdf
More overview information on building to PDF is available in the tutorial
The public site is built through Azure pipelines, open the Azure DevOps pipeline and click the queue
button to trigger a manual pipeline run
Main product content pages: