- For linux/macos:
git clone [email protected]:binwenwu/nvchad-config.git ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim
- Supports NvChad v2.5
- Target OS: WSL2/Linux/MacOS
- Modularised setup of plugins and configurations
- Scripting with Bash, Lua and Toml as smooth as it gets
- Web development with JS/TS, React and Astro fully covered
- Development with Rust, C and Go
- Git integrated using Neogit, Gitsigns, DiffView, Telescope and VimFugitive
- Markdown Preview with live changes in browser
- Round borders as a priority over sharp borders
- NVIM Stable v0.10.0+ (Nightlies might work)
- NvChad v2.5
- Python 3.11.7+ & pip
- pip:
- Node.js v22+
- npm:
[email protected]+