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Tags: bioball/cli



Toggle v0.14.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committerโ€™s verified signature.
pradeepitm12 PRADEEP KUMAR
New version v0.14.0

tektoncd#1215 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme for 0.13.1 and fix lint task | 2020/10/21-14:41
tektoncd#1210 | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: ClusterTriggerBinding | 2020/10/21-15:55
tektoncd#1209 | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: Condition | 2020/10/21-17:41
tektoncd#1213 | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: TriggerTemplate | 2020/10/21-19:33
tektoncd#1214 | [shuheiktgw] Fix unit test failures with go 1.15 | 2020/10/22-04:19
tektoncd#1203 | [Sunil Thaha] Integrate Hub commands into tkn | 2020/10/22-04:41
tektoncd#1217 | [Daniel Helfand] fix alignment of usage | 2020/10/22-18:47
tektoncd#1218 | [Daniel Helfand] document NO_COLOR and edit README headers | 2020/10/26-15:40
tektoncd#1224 | [Daniel Helfand] change --nocolour to --no-color | 2020/10/28-02:57
tektoncd#1221 | [SM43] Updates Hub Dependency | 2020/10/28-04:51
null | [Daniel Helfand] deprecate -c shorthand for tkn version --check | 2020/11/03-15:37
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Bump pipeline and triggers deps | 2020/11/04-20:12
null | [Daniel Helfand] do not delete clustertask taskruns with --task flag | 2020/11/04-20:59
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix APIversion not shown on describe commands | 2020/11/05-10:54
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn triggerbinding list command | 2020/11/06-12:25
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn eventlistener list command | 2020/11/06-16:04
null | [vinamra28] Add --all-namespaces flag to TriggerTemplate List subcommand | 2020/11/06-19:39
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Make sure we target LTS for ubuntus | 2020/11/06-21:12
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --all-namespaces flag to tkn condition list command | 2020/11/09-14:14
null | [Daniel Helfand] remove EventListener log output assertion from e2e tests | 2020/11/11-16:52
null | [Pradeep Kumar] bump pipleine dependency to v0.18.0 | 2020/11/12-11:28
null | [dullest] fix function name typo | 2020/11/12-15:17
null | [Vincent Demeester] Makefile: remove darwin/386 from cross target ๐ŸŒฎ | 2020/11/13-15:58
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --no-headers flag to tkn clustertask list command | 2020/11/16-09:50
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add --no-headers flag to tkn clustertriggerbinding list command | 2020/11/16-10:24


Toggle v0.13.1's commit message
New version v0.13.1

tektoncd#1194 | [Daniel Helfand] update README to v0.13.0 | 2020/09/30-22:18
tektoncd#1196 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update OSX instruction to install from brew ๐Ÿป | 2020/10/02-11:36
tektoncd#1197 | [Daniel Helfand] reorganize release process docs and add details | 2020/10/07-07:26
tektoncd#1192 | [Daniel Helfand] add eventlistener logs command | 2020/10/07-08:00
tektoncd#1198 | [Matt Moore] Bump Knative/K8s dependencies | 2020/10/08-00:34
tektoncd#1201 | [Daniel Helfand] avoid use of previous TaskRunSpecStatus and PipelineRunSpecStatus | 2020/10/13-17:32
tektoncd#1205 | [Daniel Helfand] remove assertions to help with debugging eventlistener e2e failures | 2020/10/20-07:27
tektoncd#1207 | [Piyush Garg] tkn pr describe failing in pr with conditions | 2020/10/20-08:57
tektoncd#1189 | [Daniel Helfand] refactor pipelinerun and taskrun cancel err based on condition status | 2020/10/20-09:15
tektoncd#1189 | [Daniel Helfand] add pipelinerun and taskrun cancel e2e tests | 2020/10/20-09:15
null | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: EventListener | 2020/10/21-07:21
null | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources in user facing messages: TriggerBinding | 2020/10/21-08:00


Toggle v0.13.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committerโ€™s verified signature.
danielhelfand Daniel Helfand
New version v0.13.0

tektoncd#1167 | [Daniel Helfand] update condition tests from test builders to structs | 2020/09/16-11:10
tektoncd#1154 | [vinamra28] Enable auto-select support in ClusterTaskDescribe if only one is present | 2020/09/16-17:00
tektoncd#1154 | [vinamra28] Enable auto-select support in TaskRunDescribe if only one is present | 2020/09/16-17:00
tektoncd#1173 | [Daniel Helfand] update README versions for v0.12.1 | 2020/09/16-17:21
tektoncd#1176 | [Bart] Artwork/Logo added to the top of the README. | 2020/09/16-18:14
tektoncd#1172 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix rpm build for release | 2020/09/17-14:34
tektoncd#1168 | [Daniel Helfand] update clustertask tests from test builders to structs | 2020/09/18-13:26
tektoncd#1177 | [Vincent Demeester] tests: import pipeline internal builders ๐Ÿ’ | 2020/09/18-17:31
tektoncd#1179 | [vinamra28] Use --prefix-name option for tkn clustertask start | 2020/09/18-23:07
tektoncd#1182 | [Daniel Helfand] update pipelineresource tests from test builders to structs | 2020/09/21-14:29
null | [Vincent Demeester] Remove release-note block indentation in PR template ๐ŸŒฎ | 2020/09/22-11:57
null | [savitaashture] Modify tkn version to accept ldflag and namespace flag | 2020/09/24-10:14
null | [savitaashture] Fix deployment fetch issue for multiple namespaces | 2020/09/25-11:54
null | [PuneetPunamiya] This patch fixes: | 2020/09/28-19:27
null | [Divyansh42] Modify tkn version output to hide Triggers and Dashboard version if they are not installed and added required unit tests. | 2020/09/29-04:57
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipeline and triggers dep | 2020/09/29-13:55
null | [Divyansh42] Enable auto-select support in pipelineDescribe if only one pipeline is present | 2020/09/29-17:29
null | [vinamra28] Add --use-taskrun for ClusterTask start | 2020/09/30-11:08
null | [Divyansh42] Enable auto select support in PipelineRunDescribe if only one PipelineRun is present | 2020/09/30-13:13


Toggle v0.12.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committerโ€™s verified signature.
chmouel Chmouel Boudjnah
New version v0.12.1

tektoncd#1147 | [Daniel Helfand] update README for v0.12.0 | 2020/08/28-08:24
tektoncd#1148 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] No need for auto-dection magic to detect triggers/pipeline releases | 2020/09/02-05:41
tektoncd#1138 | [rudeigerc] Show the version of dashboard | 2020/09/02-09:17
tektoncd#1152 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Disable colouring when the user set the variable NO_COLOR | 2020/09/07-04:51
tektoncd#1089 | [PuneetPunamiya] Adds support for EventListener URL with List and Describe command | 2020/09/09-17:38
tektoncd#1161 | [Daniel Helfand] fix golangci-lint 1.31 gocritic issues | 2020/09/14-08:27
tektoncd#1159 | [Daniel Helfand] do not sort taskruns or pipelineruns if keep=0 | 2020/09/14-09:17
tektoncd#1158 | [Piyush Garg] Fix slowness in executing tkn commands | 2020/09/15-09:23


Toggle v0.12.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committerโ€™s verified signature.
danielhelfand Daniel Helfand
New version v0.12.0

tektoncd#1084 | [Pradeep Kumar] update version in readme | 2020/07/24-16:56
tektoncd#1044 | [pthangad] Organize e2e | 2020/07/24-21:25
tektoncd#1076 | [chetan-rns] Display results in task/taskrun describe command | 2020/07/29-05:54
tektoncd#1051 | [vinamra28] ClusterTask start interactive mode | 2020/07/30-15:51
tektoncd#1101 | [Daniel Helfand] add new line for No ClusterTasks found output | 2020/08/04-11:02
tektoncd#1105 | [vinamra28] Display Results in the output of ClusterTask describe command | 2020/08/05-21:43
tektoncd#1088 | [Daniel Helfand] add ability to specify podtemplate for taskrun/pipelinerun | 2020/08/10-16:24
tektoncd#1108 | [Daniel Helfand] add triggers installation for e2e tests | 2020/08/12-16:54
tektoncd#1110 | [Divyansh42] Display results in the output of pipeline/pipelinerun describe command | 2020/08/12-22:29
tektoncd#1110 | [Divyansh42] Modify e2e test for pipeline | 2020/08/12-22:29
null | [vinamra28] Add --use-param-defaults option for tkn clustertask start | 2020/08/17-14:46
null | [rudeigerc] Fix the display of 0 Value for Timeout with tkn tr/pr describe | 2020/08/17-15:08
null | [Daniel Helfand] add check for timeout status for pipelinerun and taskrun cancel | 2020/08/18-13:43
null | [Vincent Demeester] pkg/suggestions: print help and error out ๐Ÿข | 2020/08/18-15:57
null | [Vincent Demeester] pkg/suggestions: no help on subcommand errors | 2020/08/18-17:27
null | [Pratik Jagrut] Add EventListener's AVAILABLE Status with tkn eventlistener list | 2020/08/18-19:31
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipeline dep to v0.15.2 | 2020/08/19-04:43
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump triggers dep to v0.7.0 | 2020/08/19-06:01
null | [Daniel Helfand] consistent error messaging for triggers commands | 2020/08/19-07:13
null | [rudeigerc] Throw error when deleting tr/pr with non-existing task/pipeline | 2020/08/19-07:32
null | [Daniel Helfand] copy over pipelinerun and taskrun spec for --last and use run options | 2020/08/24-06:46
null | [vinamra28] Display Workspaces in the output of ClusterTask describe command | 2020/08/25-15:02
null | [vinamra28] Display Workspaces in the output of Task describe command | 2020/08/25-15:02
null | [vinamra28] Display workspaces in the output of TaskRun describe command | 2020/08/25-15:02
null | [Piyush Garg] Refactor status formatting | 2020/08/25-17:04
null | [Divyansh42] Modify --use-param-defaults flag and add e2e test | 2020/08/26-05:23
null | [Piyush Garg] Refactor taskrun description | 2020/08/26-09:40
null | [vinamra28] Display Workspaces in the output of Pipeline describe command | 2020/08/26-11:15
null | [vinamra28] Display Workspaces in the output of PipelineRun describe command | 2020/08/26-11:15


Toggle v0.11.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committerโ€™s verified signature.
pradeepitm12 PRADEEP KUMAR
New version v0.11.0

tektoncd#1020 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update to 0.10.0 | 2020/06/10-16:40
tektoncd#1022 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Pass k8 context when printing the log command for clustertask start | 2020/06/11-15:31
tektoncd#1022 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Pass k8 context when printing the log command for pipeline start | 2020/06/11-15:31
tektoncd#1022 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Pass kubernetes context when printing the log command for start task | 2020/06/11-15:31
tektoncd#1022 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add flags.GetTektonOptions(cmd *cobra.Command) | 2020/06/11-15:31
tektoncd#1014 | [savitaashture] Add support for embedded trigger binding to EventListener describe command | 2020/06/11-15:56
tektoncd#1023 | [Daniel Helfand] add clustertriggerbinding to useful commands docs | 2020/06/11-16:27
tektoncd#1028 | [Daniel Helfand] fix go lint errors from 1.27 upgrade | 2020/06/19-09:59
tektoncd#1027 | [Daniel Helfand] add bug, feature, and free form issue templates | 2020/06/22-10:17
tektoncd#1024 | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources for user facing messages: TaskRun | 2020/06/23-10:21
null | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources for user facing messages: Task | 2020/06/24-09:31
null | [Divyansh42] Refactor v1beta1 unit tests | 2020/06/25-07:37
null | [vinamra28] Command Suggestion for Incorrect Subcommands | 2020/06/29-08:39
null | [praveen4g0] Refactor code | 2020/06/29-08:50
null | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources for user facing messages: clustertaskh | 2020/06/29-14:42
null | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources for user facing messages: Pipeline | 2020/06/30-09:25
null | [Daniel Helfand] common way of referring to tekton resources for user facing messages: PipelineRun | 2020/07/01-13:04
null | [Daniel Helfand] change kn to tkn in feature issue template | 2020/07/02-06:58
null | [Daniel Helfand] remove namespace validation | 2020/07/03-16:20
null | [Vincent Demeester] Update the pull_request_template for release-note ๐Ÿ“– | 2020/07/06-09:51
null | [Vincent Demeester] Add ppc64le to cross targets | 2020/07/06-18:00
null | [Vincent Demeester] Update Linux IBM note on 0.11.0 release | 2020/07/06-18:00
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to use tektoncd/pipeline v0.14.0 | 2020/07/07-14:16
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to use tektoncd/triggers v0.6.0 | 2020/07/08-05:30
null | [PuneetPunamiya] Enables auto selection of task for `describe` command if only one task is present | 2020/07/09-06:23
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to tektoncd/triggers v0.6.1 | 2020/07/09-09:36
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix pipelinerun logs error | 2020/07/10-17:27
null | [Vincent Demeester] dep: update to v0.3.3 | 2020/07/10-18:31
null | [Divyansh42] Add --use-param-defaults option for tkn task start | 2020/07/16-09:36
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to tektoncd/pipeline v0.14.2 | 2020/07/17-14:18
null | [Anshul Verma] Fixes 1068 tkn TR/PR describe --last command resulted in panic when there are no TR/PR present in the namespace. Fixed it to give an error message when no TR/PR is present in the namespace. | 2020/07/17-17:05
null | [Dan Lorenc] Add the misspell linter, and fix some misspellings. | 2020/07/20-16:16
null | [Daniel Helfand] add deadcode to golangci-lint | 2020/07/20-16:30
null | [Daniel Helfand] support VolumeClaimTemplates with --workspace | 2020/07/21-17:02
null | [vinamra28] Add Workspaces in Release pipeline instead os PipelineResources | 2020/07/22-08:21
null | [vinamra28] Use VolumeClaimTemplate instead of PVC | 2020/07/22-08:21
null | [Pradeep Kumar] adds finally logs in pipelinerun | 2020/07/22-10:32
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Update Version Param for golang-build Task | 2020/07/23-08:23
null | [Pradeep Kumar] correct catalog task golangci lint path | 2020/07/23-15:18


Toggle v0.10.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committerโ€™s verified signature.
chmouel Chmouel Boudjnah
New version v0.10.0

tektoncd#945 | [Piyush Garg] Fix release script and yaml | 2020/04/29-13:39
tektoncd#946 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme for release 0.9.0 | 2020/04/29-14:24
tektoncd#948 | [Piyush Garg] Fix dockerfile of debbuild | 2020/04/29-17:43
tektoncd#793 | [Pablo Caderno] Change clusterTask timeout from int to string and remove -t shorthand | 2020/04/30-14:34
tektoncd#793 | [Pablo Caderno] Removed unnecessary warning message | 2020/04/30-14:34
tektoncd#952 | [Daniel Helfand] remove default 1h for clustertask --timeout and add tests for invalid timeout | 2020/04/30-16:55
tektoncd#954 | [Daniel Helfand] remove tkn create -f | 2020/05/01-07:49
tektoncd#953 | [Vincent Demeester] Bump plumbing to recent master ๐Ÿ‘ผ | 2020/05/01-08:14
tektoncd#935 | [praveen4g0] Add Task start E2E tests | 2020/05/01-14:06
null | [Anshul Verma] Provides an interactive Prompt to select a Pipeline/PipelineRun/PipelineResources/Task/TaskRun/ClusterTask/ to describe just like what is there in  subcommand. | 2020/05/04-07:41
null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix task start with file | 2020/05/06-14:07
null | [Yulia Gaponenko] Update Readme with s390x build usage | 2020/05/07-09:53
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Update triggerbinding and template `list` error messages | 2020/05/08-15:56
null | [Piyush Garg] Enable yaml lint | 2020/05/10-10:19
null | [Piyush Garg] Refactoring for --all-namespace flag | 2020/05/10-10:33
null | [Piyush Garg] Makefile changes for new skipCheckFlag | 2020/05/10-11:38
null | [vinamra28] Fix to provide an error for tkn completion without argument | 2020/05/13-14:00
null | [charles-edouard.breteche] refacto get pipelines version | 2020/05/14-14:01
null | [savitaashture] Add triggers version info to the version command | 2020/05/15-17:25
null | [Daniel Helfand] switch to for yaml unmarshal | 2020/05/19-04:38
null | [Alan Greene] Fix 'Edit this page' and 'Create an issue' links on the website | 2020/05/19-04:45
null | [Daniel Helfand] move e2e tests into subcommand packages | 2020/05/19-07:53
null | [Shivam Mukhade] Add Task's timeout and Params to Pipeline Desc | 2020/05/19-10:30
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add no-headers and all-namespaces flags for pipeline resources | 2020/05/19-15:20
null | [Anshul Verma] Provides `--last` option of the `describe` of PipelineRun/TaskRun to describe the most recent PipelineRun/TaskRun | 2020/05/22-13:08
null | [Daniel Helfand] change taskrun and pipelinerun delete test names | 2020/05/26-11:54
null | [Divyansh42] Fix tkn task delete <name> --trs deletes ClusterTaskrun also | 2020/05/26-12:06
null | [chetan-rns] Display conditions in the pipeline describe command | 2020/05/26-12:17
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Task start interactive mode | 2020/05/26-13:53
null | [vinamra28] Fix to provide error in case of no pr logs | 2020/05/26-14:20
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to v0.12.1 | 2020/05/28-06:09
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/triggers to v0.5.0 | 2020/06/02-09:28
null | [Divyansh42] Add `--trs` flag in `tkn ct delete` command | 2020/06/03-14:34
null | [savitaashture] Modified TriggerTemplate describe command for ResourceTemplates | 2020/06/05-09:29
null | [Daniel Helfand] fix --keep with tr and pr delete when using --task or --pipeline flag | 2020/06/10-09:05
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix Debian package having an incorrect package name | 2020/06/10-10:06
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Decrease minor release version to zero | 2020/06/10-10:06
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to v0.13.0 | 2020/06/10-14:18


Toggle v0.9.0's commit message
New version v0.9.0

tektoncd#754 | [16yuki0702] A little Refactoring log reader. changes are following. | 2020/02/28-04:53
tektoncd#761 | [Daniel Helfand] improve keep description and unit tests for prompts | 2020/02/28-08:29
tektoncd#759 | [Vincent Demeester] Add support for yubikey in debbuild ๐ŸฆŒ | 2020/02/28-08:41
tektoncd#762 | [Daniel Helfand] version v0.8.0 README update | 2020/03/02-02:51
tektoncd#750 | [Vibhav Bobade] - Add Timeout Description to TaskRun and PipelineRun | 2020/03/02-03:36
tektoncd#751 | [Vibhav Bobade] Remove -t timeout shorthand from tkn task start | 2020/03/02-03:36
tektoncd#760 | [Vincent Demeester] Use `#!/usr/bin/env bash` instead of `bin/bash` ๐Ÿ‘ผ | 2020/03/02-03:50
tektoncd#760 | [Vincent Demeester] Use scripts for goreleaser task ๐Ÿ‘ผ | 2020/03/02-03:50
tektoncd#756 | [Vincent Demeester] Move version out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move log out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move params out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move options out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move labels out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move names out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move file out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move validate out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move pods out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move deleter out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move task out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move taskrun out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move pipelinerun out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Move pipeline out of the helper package ๐ŸŒฟ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Fix logs_test.go import ๐Ÿ˜‡ | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Run goimports ๐Ÿ˜… | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Vincent Demeester] Re-generate the docs ๐Ÿ“– | 2020/03/02-07:56
null | [Piyush Garg] Remove the name param in cluster resource creation | 2020/03/03-07:50
null | [Pavol Pitonak] Fix several typos | 2020/03/04-08:39
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Change timeout to string for tkn task start | 2020/03/05-09:04
null | [Daniel Helfand] use text/template instead of html/template for pipelinerun describe | 2020/03/06-03:17
null | [Vincent Demeester] Bump to v0.11.0-rc1 ๐ŸšŒ | 2020/03/06-11:30
null | [16yuki0702] Fix SIGSEGV on pipelinerun logs. Related issue is tektoncd#775 | 2020/03/08-21:24
null | [Vincent Demeester] Add tkn official image on contrib ๐Ÿ–Œ | 2020/03/09-06:59
null | [Daniel Helfand] add sidecar status to tkn tr describe | 2020/03/10-08:18
null | [Daniel Helfand] convert --all to delete all pipelines and tasks in namespace | 2020/03/10-08:41
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add flag to reverse sort taskruns/pipelineruns | 2020/03/10-08:41
null | [pthangad] Added Pipeline E2E tests | 2020/03/10-09:40
null | [Dibyo Mukherjee] Update Triggers dependency for CLI | 2020/03/11-03:15
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to tektoncd/pipeline 0.11.0-rc2 | 2020/03/11-11:31
null | [Daniel Helfand] change pipelineruns to taskruns for tkn tr delete --keep desc | 2020/03/13-01:19
null | [Daniel Helfand] change status check for pr and tr cancel for color | 2020/03/13-01:37
null | [Piyush Garg] Add description to task, clustertask, condition list | 2020/03/13-03:32
null | [pthangad] Build tkn binary before running cli tests | 2020/03/13-04:24
null | [Piyush Garg] Add description to describe command | 2020/03/13-11:29
null | [Daniel Helfand] change tr and pr sorting from sort.Slice to sort.Sort | 2020/03/16-03:35
null | [Daniel Helfand] remove duplicate error message when deleting nonexistent resource | 2020/03/17-10:58
null | [pthangad] Add license to e2e tests | 2020/03/18-04:53
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Refactor task list cmd with v1beta1 support | 2020/03/18-10:18
null | [Daniel Helfand] add warning message in v0.9.0 about clustertask timeout | 2020/03/20-02:59
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add flag to list TaskRuns from all namespaces | 2020/03/20-09:37
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add flag to list PipelineRuns from all namespaces | 2020/03/20-09:37
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Update e2e to support TaskRun and PipelineRun List to use templates | 2020/03/20-09:37
null | [Daniel Helfand] start pipelinerun from local or remote file | 2020/03/20-10:37
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Add v1beta1 support for clustertask list | 2020/03/23-10:56
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Adds test for list v1beta1 | 2020/03/23-11:42
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for taskrun list | 2020/03/24-11:26
null | [Daniel Helfand] fix test failure from go v1.14.0 update | 2020/03/26-06:43
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for pipeline list cmd | 2020/03/26-12:18
null | [Vincent Demeester] Add RELEASE_VERSION build-arg to the image ๐Ÿ“Ÿ | 2020/03/26-15:50
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for taskrun delete | 2020/03/27-03:22
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for pipelinerun list & delete cmd | 2020/03/27-08:44
null | [Vincent Demeester] Sort resources in start subcommands ๐ŸŒฎ | 2020/03/30-07:14
null | [Vincent Demeester] Add ๐Ÿค– | 2020/03/30-07:38
null | [Khurram Baig] Add workspace option to pipeline start | 2020/03/30-07:55
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add --noheaders flag to taskrun list subcommand | 2020/03/31-01:35
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add --noheaders flag to pipelinerun list subcommand | 2020/03/31-01:35
null | [savitaashture] Fix tkn pipeline version issue | 2020/03/31-02:09
null | [Pradeep Kumar] remove redundant code | 2020/03/31-02:43
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for task delete command | 2020/03/31-03:05
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for pipeline delete command | 2020/03/31-04:43
null | [Khurram Baig] Add workspace to task start | 2020/03/31-07:19
null | [Daniel Helfand] clustertriggerbinding list command | 2020/03/31-07:47
null | [Daniel Helfand] add tkn ctb delete command | 2020/04/01-02:08
null | [Yulia Gaponenko] Add tekton cli build for s390x architecture This will add s390x target to Makefile and to .goreleaser.yaml | 2020/04/01-02:39
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for clustertask delete | 2020/04/01-04:28
null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix typo and change function name | 2020/04/01-05:41
null | [Vincent Demeester] Import docs/ from website | 2020/04/01-07:55
null | [savitaashture] Add changes to display TaskRun and PipelineRun labels | 2020/04/02-02:27
null | [savitaashture] fix review comments | 2020/04/02-02:27
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to tektoncd/pipeline v0.11.0 | 2020/04/02-07:25
null | [Daniel Helfand] warning messages about removing create -f | 2020/04/02-23:31
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/triggers to v0.4.0-rc1 | 2020/04/03-12:11
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for task and taskrun logs command | 2020/04/03-18:03
null | [Pradeep Kumar] adds test for v1beta1 address review comments | 2020/04/03-18:03
null | [Daniel Helfand] add pradeepitm12 to OWNERS | 2020/04/04-09:02
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for pipeline and run logs command | 2020/04/06-08:50
null | [Daniel Helfand] use timeout of --last or --use-pipelinerun/--use-taskrun | 2020/04/06-09:18
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for taskrun cancel | 2020/04/06-16:37
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump task describe command to v1beta1 | 2020/04/07-09:56
null | [Khurram Baig] Add Workspace to Interactive Start Pipeline | 2020/04/07-10:23
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/triggers to v0.4.0 | 2020/04/07-17:51
null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix tasrun cancel command | 2020/04/08-04:55
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for pipelinerun cancel | 2020/04/08-11:42
null | [Daniel Helfand] properly capture APIVersion with --dry-run | 2020/04/08-14:35
null | [Pradeep Kumar] use List from task pkg | 2020/04/09-20:46
null | [Piyush Garg] Refactoring in make file | 2020/04/10-07:52
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump clustertask describe to v1beta1 | 2020/04/12-15:01
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix Makefile | 2020/04/12-15:01
null | [Daniel Helfand] sort taskruns by start time for task describe | 2020/04/12-15:50
null | [Daniel Helfand] sort taskruns by start time for clustertask describe | 2020/04/12-16:05
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipeline desc to v1beta1 | 2020/04/13-03:01
null | [Daniel Helfand] sort pipelineruns by start time for pipeline describe | 2020/04/13-14:32
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipelinerun describe to v1beta1 | 2020/04/14-07:13
null | [Daniel Helfand] update release process docs on updating plumbing tkn images | 2020/04/14-07:40
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix e2e on pipeline 0.10 | 2020/04/15-11:39
null | [Piyush Garg] Add test for task package | 2020/04/15-12:17
null | [Anshul Verma] Flag to start a Pipeline without prompting for default param value. Even when a param is given through -p, other params to have their default values. | 2020/04/15-14:25
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix lint error and handle properly | 2020/04/15-17:07
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix listing of taskrun | 2020/04/16-07:01
null | [Daniel Helfand] remove default timeout of 1h for pipeline and task start | 2020/04/16-07:48
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use real temporary directory when building debian package | 2020/04/16-10:15
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Set properly the release version in Debian package | 2020/04/16-10:15
null | [Nidhi Kakkar] Modified param flag  description | 2020/04/16-15:48
null | [Carlos Iriarte] chore: fix typo inavlid => invalid | 2020/04/17-07:34
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to v0.11.2 | 2020/04/17-08:10
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump taskrun describe to v1beta1 | 2020/04/17-09:01
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Sort TaskRuns based on StartTime before deletion with keep | 2020/04/17-11:49
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add --no-headers and --all-namespaces flag for Task `list` subcommand | 2020/04/17-20:00
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add --no-headers and --all-namespaces flag for Pipeline `list` | 2020/04/17-20:00
null | [Vibhav Bobade] Docs --no-headers --all-namespaces flags for task/pipeline list | 2020/04/17-20:00
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for task start command | 2020/04/20-12:49
null | [Pradeep Kumar] adds test for v1beta1 | 2020/04/20-12:49
null | [Daniel Helfand] check status of taskrun for tkn pr describe | 2020/04/20-15:05
null | [Anshul Verma] Corrects `logs` command to validate `--limit` option's value if it is <=0 Resolves tektoncd#909 | 2020/04/20-15:29
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Disable colouring on windows | 2020/04/21-10:59
null | [savitaashture] Add tkn triggerbinding describe command | 2020/04/21-14:53
null | [Daniel Helfand] fix keep description and remove need to use with --all flag | 2020/04/21-16:17
null | [savitaashture] fix aliases for clustertriggerbindings | 2020/04/21-20:07
null | [savitaashture] Add tkn clustertriggerbinding describe command | 2020/04/22-08:31
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipeline start to v1beta1 | 2020/04/22-08:51
null | [Pradeep Kumar] little refactor for consistency | 2020/04/22-12:53
null | [savitaashture] Add tkn triggertemplate describe command | 2020/04/22-15:55
null | [Daniel Helfand] fix alignment of output resource TYPE column for task desc | 2020/04/24-08:58
null | [Piyush Garg] Implement convertDown function for Taskrun | 2020/04/24-11:50
null | [savitaashture] Add params description to describe commands | 2020/04/24-12:52
null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for task start command | 2020/04/24-16:28
null | [Daniel Helfand] fix --dry-run with --filename tests for all start commands | 2020/04/27-07:24
null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tekton/pipeline to v0.11.3 | 2020/04/27-08:56
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix pipeline version not working | 2020/04/27-10:24
null | [Vincent Demeester] Build and publish tkn image on release ๐Ÿ“Œ | 2020/04/27-20:16
null | [Piyush Garg] Add description command for condition | 2020/04/28-03:37
null | [savitaashture] Add eventlistener describe command | 2020/04/28-06:10
null | [savitaashture] Update template for EventListener Describe command | 2020/04/28-10:46
null | [Anshul Verma] Enable auto selection of the task for `logs` command if only one task is present. Fixes tektoncd#916 | 2020/04/28-12:27
null | [Daniel Helfand] fix description typo and add test with output option for el desc | 2020/04/28-13:48
null | [Piyush Garg] Remove namespace flag from clusterwide cmd's | 2020/04/28-15:02
null | [Piyush Garg] Add flag to skip check flag in version cmd | 2020/04/29-06:56


Toggle v0.8.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committerโ€™s verified signature.
vdemeester Vincent Demeester
New version v0.8.0

tektoncd#674 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme for 0.7.1 release | 2020/02/04-09:25
tektoncd#678 | [Vincent Demeester] Bump dep to 3.0.1 | 2020/02/05-02:08
tektoncd#609 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Start doing testing against nightly | 2020/02/05-09:50
tektoncd#676 | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn taskrun delete | 2020/02/05-12:10
tektoncd#682 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add flag --use-pipelinerun to start to rerun with a target pr | 2020/02/06-03:07
tektoncd#677 | [Piyush Garg] Improve release docs | 2020/02/06-08:25
tektoncd#681 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --output by name for TaskRuns | 2020/02/10-02:32
tektoncd#681 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --output by name for TriggerBinding | 2020/02/10-02:32
tektoncd#692 | [Daniel Helfand] add tkn cluster delete --all | 2020/02/10-04:22
tektoncd#694 | [Piyush Garg] Add --step flag for taskrun logs | 2020/02/10-09:30
null | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn el delete | 2020/02/10-15:01
null | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn resource delete | 2020/02/10-15:24
null | [Daniel Helfand] -all option for tkn condition delete | 2020/02/10-15:25
null | [16yuki0702] Fix bug about Complete logs not shown for failed TaskRun related issue is tektoncd#587 | 2020/02/10-15:38
null | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn pipelinerun delete | 2020/02/10-16:37
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Shows --- for empty values on "DEFAULT VALUES" column | 2020/02/11-02:38
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Makefile fixes | 2020/02/11-05:20
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update github pull request templates | 2020/02/11-05:20
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add pipeline version information | 2020/02/12-01:36
null | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn triggertemplate delete | 2020/02/12-01:49
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix help command | 2020/02/12-03:22
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix yaml errors | 2020/02/12-08:00
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update presubmit jobs to use make lint | 2020/02/12-08:00
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add support for filtering by label on pipelinerun | 2020/02/12-08:19
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add support for filtering by label on taskruns | 2020/02/12-08:19
null | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn triggerbinding delete | 2020/02/12-16:03
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --last support to `tkn pr logs` | 2020/02/13-01:51
null | [Daniel Helfand] nil check for lr.Stream for taskrun logs | 2020/02/13-02:08
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Fix typo | 2020/02/14-06:44
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Modify test names as they are pipelinerun not pipeline tests | 2020/02/14-12:30
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --last flag to tkn taskrun logs | 2020/02/14-12:30
null | [Daniel Helfand] --prefix-name option for tkn pipeline start | 2020/02/17-03:32
null | [Daniel Helfand] add warning for --all flags for pipeline and task delete | 2020/02/17-03:33
null | [Vincent Demeester] Update golangci-lint target ๐Ÿต | 2020/02/18-03:38
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Generate manpages at the same time as make docs | 2020/02/18-04:42
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Make sure golden files have been generated | 2020/02/18-04:42
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Adds timeout to pipeline start | 2020/02/18-07:50
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add fuzzyfinder library | 2020/02/18-09:08
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add fuzzy finder selection for pipelinerun and taskrun | 2020/02/18-09:08
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Increase default limit when using with fzf | 2020/02/18-09:08
null | [16yuki0702] Refactoring log writer. related issue is tektoncd#708 | 2020/02/19-02:24
null | [Vincent Demeester] Use -mod=vendor for golangci-lint too ๐Ÿ‘ผ | 2020/02/19-03:36
null | [Vincent Demeester] Fix linting on pkg/log ๐Ÿšˆ | 2020/02/19-03:36
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --use-taskrun for taskrun | 2020/02/19-07:26
null | [Daniel Helfand] show sidecar names with tkn tr desc | 2020/02/24-06:08
null | [Daniel Helfand] add warning message for tkn task start --timeout | 2020/02/26-02:18
null | [16yuki0702] Refactoring log reader. related issue is tektoncd#748 | 2020/02/26-08:14
null | [Daniel Helfand] --prefix-name option for tkn task start | 2020/02/27-02:03
null | [Daniel Helfand] add error message for deletion when args=0 and no --all flag | 2020/02/27-02:15
null | [Vincent Demeester] Remove trigger alias for start subcommands ๐Ÿš‰ | 2020/02/27-07:37
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --keep to --all, to keep the last N pipelineruns | 2020/02/27-09:32
null | [Vincent Demeester] Add --keep to --all, to keep the last N taskruns | 2020/02/27-09:32
null | [Vincent Demeester] Enhance the error message for --keep โŒจ | 2020/02/27-09:32
null | [Vincent Demeester] Pin the go version in the release pipeline ๐Ÿ–Š | 2020/02/27-11:03
null | [Vincent Demeester] Use -mod=vendor during the release ๐Ÿ‘ผ | 2020/02/27-11:59


Toggle v0.7.1's commit message
New version v0.7.1

tektoncd#628 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add all client-go dependency | 2020/02/04-03:49
tektoncd#628 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Regenerate codegen and vendor for the client-go auth deps | 2020/02/04-03:49
tektoncd#673 | [Piyush Garg] Update to use our fork | 2020/02/04-04:27