Component to for interactive code navigation lanes
Create a new codeLane instance
var cl = new codeLane("lane_holder",100,800,data,custom_options);
"lane_holder" is the DOM element to which the lane camvas will be added. Width of codeLne instance is 100. Height of codeLane instance is 800 data is formatted data
To navigate the code to appropriate lines on click of markers.
cl.onClick(function (loc) {console.log("Navigate code to :"+loc) });
Using the custom_options arhument, you can tailor CodeLane to suit your requirements. custom_options should be passed as final argument to codeLane() constructor.
Example custom_options object:
{ zoom:{enable:true,wedgeHeight:50,targetHeight:100}, marker:{size:10}, blade:{height:120,width:20,fontSize:11,fontFamily:"Ubuntu Condensed"}, lane:{width:20,trackColor:"",thickness:""}, graduation:{color:"",prefix:"LOC:"} }
Open index.html in a browser for a working example
This component uses CreateJS to interact with c anvas.