Microservices demo using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Cloud Config, Netflix (Eureka,Feign,Ribbon,Hystrix,Zuul,Turbine,) CloudFoundry (Pivotal Web Service), Docker, Docker Compose, Swagger, Spring Cloud Bus,RabitMQ
- You can build all the projects by running the
at command prompt. - You can run all the microservices by running the
at command prompt.
- Docker TLS issue resolve => https://coderwall.com/p/siqnjg/disable-tls-on-boot2docker
- Copy jars by running the
at command prompt from docker-compose folder. - You can run all the microservices by running the following command.
docker-compose build docker-compose up -d docker-compose start
docker-machine start default or create new one docker-machine lswill show you your machine running docker-machine env --shell cmd default and you'll see something like
SET DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 SET DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// SET DOCKER_CERT_PATH=C:\Users\jini.docker\machine\machines\default SET DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME=default