git clone dapperapi/
dotnet new --install dapperapi/ # install the template according to .template.config/template.json
dotnet new dapperapi -o MyApp # create a new dapperapi solution for MyApp
The relational database used to create this template was Microsoft SQL Server 2019
.NET 6.0.400
- Unit testing - MSTest
- MicroORM - Dapper
- Additional features - Dapper.Contrib
- Log library - Serilog
- Authentication manager - Identity
- Email sender - FluentEmail
- Fail fast validations - Fluent Validation
- Mediator implementation - MediatR
- Object mapper - AutoMapper
These are the endpoints implemented in this API:
- Sign in
- Sign up
- Forgot password
- Reset password
- Confirm email
- Get logged user profile
- Verify if the logged user is admin
- Verify if the user is authorized