Restore a truncated mp4/mov. Improved version of ponchio/untrunc
High precision scientific calculator with support for physical units
A python-based air conditioning and heat pump system model
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
Xiaomi Mobile Phone Kernel OpenSource
Calculations for two pressure humidity generator
Serverless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound
Online psychrometric chart with high definition, variable pressure and composition.
Command-line utility to extract the contents of Excel-DNA add-ins packed with ExcelDnaPack
InnoSetup script to install and activate Excel addins.
Generic InnoSetup script to install VSTO add-ins.
沉浸式双语网页翻译扩展 , 支持输入框翻译, 鼠标悬停翻译, PDF, Epub, 字幕文件, TXT 文件翻译 - Immersive Dual Web Page Translation Extension
An Extended Library to Help Developers Develop Winform applications with Mvvm Architecture(一个可以帮助开发人员以Mvvm结构开发Winform程序的扩展库)
DockPanel Suite - The Visual Studio inspired docking library for .NET WinForms
(已支持sqlsugar).NetCore、.Net6、Vue2、Vue3、Vite、TypeScript、Element plus+uniapp前后端分离,全自动生成代码;支持移动端(ios/android/h5/微信小程序。
Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful charts, maps and gauges for .Net, LiveCharts2 can now practically run everywhere Maui, Uno Platform, Blazor-wasm, WPF, WinForms, Xamarin, Avalonia, WinUI, UWP.
PowerShell module to get and set Visual Studio Community Edition license expiration date in registry
.NET (WPF and Windows Forms) bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework
imi 是一款支持长连接微服务分布式的 PHP 开发框架,它可以运行在 PHP-FPM、Swoole、Workerman、RoadRunner 等多种容器环境下。它支持 HttpApi、WebSocket、TCP、UDP、MQTT 服务的开发。特别适合互联网微服务、即时通讯聊天im、物联网等场景!QQ群:17916227
Computator.NET is a special kind of numerical software that is fast and easy to use but not worse than others feature-wise. It's features include: - Real and complex functions charts - Real and com…