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An official PHP library for the Bitrix24 REST API

Build status

CI\CD status on master
allowed licenses check
php-cs-fixer check
phpstan check
rector check
unit-tests status

Integration tests run in GitHub actions with real Bitrix24 portal


Install the latest version with

composer require bitrix24/b24phpsdk

If You work on Windows:

  • please use WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux
  • if your filesystem is NTFS, You can disable flag git config --global core.protectNTFS false for checkout folders started with dot.

Or add "bitrix24/b24phpsdk": "1.2.*" to composer.json of your application.


Support both auth modes:

  • work with auth tokens for mass-market Bitrix24 applications
  • work with incoming webhooks for simple integration projects for a single Bitrix24 account

Domain core events:

  • Access Token expired
  • Url of a Bitrix24 account domain changed

API - level features

  • Auto renew access tokens
  • List queries with «start=-1» support
  • offline queues

Performance improvements 🚀

  • Batch queries implemented with PHP Generators – constant low memory and low CPI usage:
  • batch read data from bitrix24
  • batch write data to bitrix24
  • read without count flag

Development principles

  • Good developer experience
    • auto-completion of methods at the IDE
    • typed method call signatures
    • typed results of method calls
    • helpers for typical operations
  • Good documentation
    • documentation on the operation of a specific method containing a link to the official documentation
    • documentation for working with the SDK
  • Performance first:
    • minimal impact on client code
    • ability to work with large amounts of data with constant memory consumption
    • efficient operation of the API using batch requests
  • Modern technology stack
  • Reliable:
    • test coverage: unit, integration, contract
    • typical examples typical for different modes of operation and they are optimized for memory \ performance


Abstraction layers

- http2 protocol via json data structures
- symfony http client
- \Bitrix24\SDK\Core\ApiClient - work with b24 rest-api endpoints
    input: arrays \ strings
    output: Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface, operate with strings
    process: network operations 
- \Bitrix24\SDK\Services\* - work with b24 rest-api entities
    input: arrays \ strings
    output: b24 response dto
    process: b24 entities, operate with immutable objects  



  • php: >=8.2
  • ext-json: *
  • ext-curl: *


Work with webhook

  1. Go to /examples/webhook folder
  2. Open console and install dependencies
composer install
  1. Open Bitrix24 account: Developer resources → Other → Inbound webhook
  2. Open example file and insert webhook url into $webhookUrl

use Bitrix24\SDK\Services\ServiceBuilderFactory;

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

// init bitrix24-php-sdk service from webhook
$b24Service = ServiceBuilderFactory::createServiceBuilderFromWebhook('INSERT_HERE_YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL');

// call some method
// call core for method in not implemented service
  1. Call php file in shell
php -f example.php

Work with local application

  1. Go to /examples/local-app folder
  2. Open console and install dependencies
composer install
  1. Start local development server
sudo php -S
  1. Expose local server to public via ngrok and remember temporally public url – https://****
ngrok http
  1. Check public url from ngrok and see x-powered-by header with 200 status-code.
curl https://**** -I
HTTP/2 200 
content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 19:09:24 GMT
host: ****
x-powered-by: PHP/8.3.8
  1. Open Bitrix24 account: Developer resources → Other → Local application and create new local application:
    • type: server
    • handler path: https://****
    • Initial installation path: https://****
    • Menu item text: Test local app
    • scope: crm
  2. Save application parameters in index.php file:
    • Application ID (client_id)BITRIX24_PHP_SDK_APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID
    • Application key (client_secret)BITRIX24_PHP_SDK_APPLICATION_CLIENT_SECRET
    • Assing permitions (scope)BITRIX24_PHP_SDK_APPLICATION_SCOPE
see index.php file

use Bitrix24\SDK\Core\Credentials\ApplicationProfile;
use Bitrix24\SDK\Services\ServiceBuilderFactory;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
    Application is worked, auth tokens from bitrix24:
    <?= print_r($_REQUEST, true) ?>

$appProfile = ApplicationProfile::initFromArray([

$b24Service = ServiceBuilderFactory::createServiceBuilderFromPlacementRequest(Request::createFromGlobals(), $appProfile);

8. Save local application in Bitrix24 tab and press «OPEN APPLICATION» button.

Create application for Bitrix24 marketplace

if you want to create application you can use production-ready contracts in namespace Bitrix24\SDK\Application\Contracts:

  • Bitrix24Accounts — Store auth tokens and provides methods for work with Bitrix24 account.
  • ApplicationInstallations — Store information about application installation, linked with Bitrix24 Account with auth tokens. Optional can store links to:
    • Client contact person: client person who responsible for application usage
    • Bitrix24 Partner contact person: partner contact person who supports client and configure application
    • Bitrix24 Partner: partner who supports client portal
  • ContactPersons – Store information about person who installed application.
  • Bitrix24Partners – Store information about Bitrix24 Partner who supports client portal and install or configure application.


  1. Create own entity of this bounded contexts.
  2. Implement all methods in contract interfaces.
  3. Test own implementation behavior with contract-tests tests/Unit/Application/Contracts/* – examples.


Tests locate in folder tests and we have two test types. In folder tests create file .env.local and fill environment variables from .env.

PHP Static Analysis Tool – phpstan

Call in command line

make lint-phpstan

PHP Static Analysis Tool – rector

Call in command line for validate

make lint-rector

Call in command line for fix codebase

make lint-rector-fix

Unit tests

Fast, in-memory tests without a network I\O For run unit tests you must call in command line

make test-unit

Integration tests

Slow tests with full lifecycle with your test Bitrix24 account via webhook.

❗️Do not run integration tests with production Bitrix24 accounts

For running integration test you must:

  1. Create new Bitrix24 account for development tests.
  2. Go to left menu, click «Sitemap».
  3. Find menu item «Developer resources».
  4. Click on menu item «Other».
  5. Click on menu item «Inbound webhook».
  6. Assign all permisions with webhook and click «save» button.
  7. Create file /tests/.env.local with same settings, see comments in /tests/.env file.
BITRIX24_WEBHOOK=https:// your Bitrix24 webhook url
  1. call in command line
make test-integration-core
make test-integration-scope-telephony
make test-integration-scope-workflows
make test-integration-scope-user

Submitting bugs and feature requests

Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub


B24PhpSdk is licensed under the MIT License - see the MIT-LICENSE.txt file for details


Bitrix24 PHP SDK for REST API



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