A small SuperCollider framework that consists of four main process categories:
- Synthesis processes with dynamic waveform generation
- Atomic sound transformations that adapt to incoming signals
- Operation pipelines and algorithms to control and generate them
- Direct access, observers and reactions for content-based triggers and actions
/* Install OF */
Dynamic waveform generation and transformations.
// Initialize OF
o = OF(this);
// Parameters for waveform duration size and minimum and maximum duration
a = o.waveform.opca(\op, 100); a.play;
// Runtime parameters for cycle duration and modulation
a.set(\sdm, rrand(0.1,0.5),\mod, rrand(1,10));
// Modulate a parameter
a.modulate(\sdm, { LFNoise1.kr(10, 0.1, 0.2) } );
// Append a transformation operation
a.transform( o.processing.foldorm() );
// Parameter movement for amplitude
a.control( o.control.brownian(\amp, 0.2, 0.01, 1.2 ));
// Another transformation
a.transform( o.processing.dualdist() );
// Interrump through an action
Transformation sequences and pipelines
( /* Stacking transformations */
o = OF(this); a = o.waveform.hectn(\pl);
a.stack([\clip, \minsaw, \bfold, \minsaw].scramble, o).play;
( /* Transformations and intervals */
o = OF(this); a = o.waveform.hectn(\ti);
a.stackd([\clip, \clip, \minsaw, \minsaw, \minsaw, \bfold], o, 3, 5).play;
( /* Parameters, processing and random order */
o = OF(this);
a = o.waveform.hectn(\encore);
[\drift, (\drfreqh: 2, \drfreql:8)],
[\wloss, (\wldrop: 25)],
[\bfold, (\bffreq: 20, \bfstop: 100)]
], o, 20, 2);
( /* Nested pipelines with parameters and duration */
o = OF(this);
a = o.waveform.costa(\co);
[\bfold, 3, (\bffreq: 20, \bfstop: 100)],
[\drift, 14, ()],
[\wloss, 21, ()],
[\nmod, 12, (\nfreq: 1000)]
], o);
b = o.waveform.hectn(\pl);
b.stack([\clip, \minsaw, \bfold, \minsaw].scramble, o);
c = o.waveform.dramp(\dramp);
c.stackd([\clip, \clip, \minsaw, \minsaw, \minsaw, \bfold], o, 3, 5);
// Submit the three pipelines to a switching algorithm
o.behaviour.switchx( OFPool[a,b,c] ).play
Direct access, observers and reactions for content-based triggers and actions.
( /* Pipelines and Observers */
// Start OF
o = OF(this);
// Generate a waveform
a = o.waveform.foral(\fo); a.play;
// Couple an observer
// Apply disturbance
// Attach a behaviour
( /* 10 random pipelines with 4 processes and overlap behaviour */
o = OF(this);
o.bh.overlap(10.collect{ c=o.wf.dramp( OF.key(nil,"x") ); c.stack(o.choosePr(4),o)})