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[UBNT EdgeMax](https://community.ubnt.com/t5/EdgeMAX/bd-p/EdgeMAX) dnsmasq Blacklist and Adware Blocking
EdgeMax dnsmasq Blacklist and Adware Blocking is derived from the received wisdom found at [Ubiquiti Community](https://community.ubnt.com/t5/EdgeMAX/bd-p/EdgeMAX)
Generates configuration files used directly by dnsmasq to redirect DNS lookups Integrated with the EdgeMax OS CLI
blacklist has been tested on the EdgeRouter Lite family of routers, versions v1.6.0-v1.8.0.
Usage: blacklist [options]
-arch string
Set EdgeOS CPU architecture (default "amd64")
Enable debug mode
-dir string
Override dnsmasq directory (default "/etc/dnsmasq.d")
-f <file>
<file> # Load a configuration file
-h Display help
-i int
Polling interval (default 5)
-mips64 string
Override target EdgeOS CPU architecture (default "mips64")
-os string
Override native EdgeOS OS (default "darwin")
-t Run config and data validation tests
-tmp string
Override dnsmasq temporary directory (default "/tmp")
-v Verbose display
Show version
The script will also install a default blacklist setup, here is the stanza (show service dns forwarding):
blacklist {
disabled false
domains {
exclude adobedtm.com
exclude apple.com
exclude coremetrics.com
exclude doubleclick.net
exclude google.com
exclude googleadservices.com
exclude googleapis.com
exclude hulu.com
exclude msdn.com
exclude paypal.com
exclude storage.googleapis.com
include adsrvr.org
include adtechus.net
include advertising.com
include centade.com
include doubleclick.net
include free-counter.co.uk
include kiosked.com
source malc0de.com {
description "List of zones serving malicious executables observed by malc0de.com/database/"
prefix "zone "
url <a href="http://malc0de.com/bl/ZONES">http://malc0de.com/bl/ZONES</a>
hosts {
exclude appleglobal.112.2o7.net
exclude autolinkmaker.itunes.apple.com
exclude cdn.visiblemeasures.com
exclude freedns.afraid.org
exclude hb.disney.go.com
exclude static.chartbeat.com
exclude survey.112.2o7.net
exclude ads.hulu.com
exclude ads-a-darwin.hulu.com
exclude ads-v-darwin.hulu.com
exclude track.hulu.com
include beap.gemini.yahoo.com
source openphish.com {
description "OpenPhish automatic phishing detection"
prefix http
url <a href="https://openphish.com/feed.txt">https://openphish.com/feed.txt</a>
source someonewhocares.org {
description "Zero based host and domain list"
url <a href="http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/zero/">http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/zero/</a>
source volkerschatz.com {
description "Ad server blacklists"
prefix http
url <a href="http://www.volkerschatz.com/net/adpaths">http://www.volkerschatz.com/net/adpaths</a>
source winhelp2002.mvps.org {
description "Zero based host and domain list"
prefix " "
url <a href="http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt">http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt</a>
source www.malwaredomainlist.com {
description " based host and domain list"
prefix " "
url <a href="http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt">http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt</a>
source yoyo.org {
description "Fully Qualified Domain Names only - no prefix to strip"
prefix ""
url <a href="http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/serverlist.php?hostformat=nohtml&showintro=1&mimetype=plaintext">http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/serverlist.php?hostformat=nohtml&showintro=1&mimetype=plaintext</a>
CLI commands to configure blacklist:
delete service dns forwarding blacklist
delete system task-scheduler task update_blacklists
set service dns forwarding blacklist dns-redirect-ip
set service dns forwarding blacklist disabled false
# set service dns forwarding blacklist dns-redirect-ip
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains include adsrvr.org
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains include adtechus.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains include advertising.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains include centade.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains include doubleclick.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains include free-counter.co.uk
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains include intellitxt.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains include kiosked.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains include patoghee.in
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains source malc0de description 'List of zones serving malicious executables observed by malc0de.com/database/'
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains source malc0de prefix 'zone '
set service dns forwarding blacklist domains source malc0de url '<a href="http://malc0de.com/bl/ZONES">http://malc0de.com/bl/ZONES</a>'
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude 122.2o7.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude 1e100.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude adobedtm.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude akamai.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude akamaihd.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude amazon.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude amazonaws.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude apple.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude ask.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude avast.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude bitdefender.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude cdn.visiblemeasures.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude cloudfront.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude coremetrics.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude edgesuite.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude freedns.afraid.org
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude github.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude githubusercontent.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude google.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude googleadservices.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude googleapis.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude googleusercontent.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude gstatic.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude gvt1.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude gvt1.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude hb.disney.go.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude hp.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude hulu.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude images-amazon.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude live.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude microsoft.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude msdn.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude paypal.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude rackcdn.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude schema.org
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude shopify.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude skype.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude smacargo.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude sourceforge.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude ssl-on9.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude ssl-on9.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude sstatic.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude static.chartbeat.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude storage.googleapis.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude windows.net
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude yimg.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist exclude ytimg.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts include beap.gemini.yahoo.com
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source adaway description 'Blocking mobile ad providers and some analytics providers'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source adaway prefix ' '
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source adaway url '<a href="http://adaway.org/hosts.txt">http://adaway.org/hosts.txt</a>'
# set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source hpHosts description 'Ad and Tracking servers only'
# set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source hpHosts prefix
# set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source hpHosts url '<a href="http://hosts-file.net/ad_servers.txt">http://hosts-file.net/ad_servers.txt</a>'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source malwaredomainlist description ' based host and domain list'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source malwaredomainlist prefix ' '
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source malwaredomainlist url '<a href="http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt">http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt</a>'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source openphish description 'OpenPhish automatic phishing detection'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source openphish prefix http
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source openphish url '<a href="https://openphish.com/feed.txt">https://openphish.com/feed.txt</a>'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source someonewhocares description 'Zero based host and domain list'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source someonewhocares prefix
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source someonewhocares url '<a href="http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/zero/">http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/zero/</a>'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source volkerschatz description 'Ad server blacklists'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source volkerschatz prefix http
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source volkerschatz url '<a href="http://www.volkerschatz.com/net/adpaths">http://www.volkerschatz.com/net/adpaths</a>'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source winhelp2002 description 'Zero based host and domain list'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source winhelp2002 prefix ' '
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source winhelp2002 url '<a href="http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt">http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt</a>'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source yoyo description 'Fully Qualified Domain Names only - no prefix to strip'
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source yoyo prefix ''
set service dns forwarding blacklist hosts source yoyo url '<a href="http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/serverlist.php?hostformat=nohtml&showintro=1&mimetype=plaintext">http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/serverlist.php?hostformat=nohtml&showintro=1&mimetype=plaintext</a>'
set system task-scheduler task update_blacklists executable path /config/scripts/update-dnsmasq.pl
set system task-scheduler task update_blacklists interval 1d
In order to make this work properly, you will need to first ensure that your dnsmasq is correctly set up. An example configuration is posted below:
show service dns forwarding
cache-size 2048
listen-on eth0
listen-on eth2
listen-on lo
name-server 2620:0:ccc::2
name-server 2620:0:ccd::2
options expand-hosts
options bogus-priv
options localise-queries
options domain=ubnt.home
options strict-order
options listen-address=
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