sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Since the repo is private, we need access tokens, for this;
settings -> developer settings -> personal access tokens -> tokens classic -> generate new token
git clone https://"access-token"
cd goAdamnite/Ubuntu
chmod +x gnite
chmod +x gnite-test
./gnite account new
screen -S adamnite
Make sure your are in goAdamnite/Ubuntu directory and have test NITE.
Check your balance by running ./gnite-test --balance "your public address"
./gnite-test --sendaddr "the address you want to send coins to" --recaddr "your public address" --amount "the amount you want to send"
./gnite-test --sendaddr "your address" --recaddr "the account you want to stake your coins to (can be one of the public accounts listed in the beta testing channel)" --amount "the amount you want to send" --txtype true
Run ./gnite-test -h
for help and additional commands.