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Companion files for Logical Verification 2020–2021 at VU Amsterdam

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Logical Verification 2020: Installation Instructions

We have installation instructions for Windows, Linux, and macOS. As a backup plan, we provide a virtual machine on which Lean is already installed.

These directions are adapted from the leanprover-community web page.



These instructions are also covered in a YouTube video. This does not include the "Install our Logical Verification Repository" step.

Get Lean

  • Install Git for Windows: Accept all default answers during the installation (or, if you would like to minimize the installation, you may deselect all components on the "Select components" question).

  • Start the newly installed Git Bash by searching for it in the Windows search bar.

  • In Git Bash, run the command curl -sSf | sh.

  • Press [Enter] to proceed with the installation.

  • Run echo 'PATH="$HOME/.elan/bin:$PATH"' >> $HOME/.profile.

  • Close Git Bash.

Get Python

  • Download the latest version of python here.

  • Run the downloaded file (python-3.x.x.exe)

  • Check Add Python 3.x to PATH.

  • Choose the default installation.

  • Open Git Bash (type git bash in the Start Menu)

  • Run which python

    • The expected output is something like /c/Users/<user>/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Pythonxx-xx/python. In this case, proceed to the next step.
    • If it's something like /c/Users/<user>/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps/python, then
      • Did you follow the instruction to select Add Python 3.x to PATH during the installation?
        • If not, re-run the python installer to uninstall python and try again.
      • Otherwise, you need to disable a Windows setting.
        • Type manage app execution aliases into the Windows search prompt (start menu) and open the corresponding System Settings page.
        • There should be two entries App Installer python.exe and App Installer python3.exe. Ensure that both of these are set to Off.
      • Close and reopen Git Bash and restart this step.
    • If it is any other directory, you might have an existing version of Python. Ask the TAs for help.
    • If you get command not found, you should add the Python directory to your path. Google how to do this, or ask the TAs.
  • Run cp "$(which python)" "$(which python)"3. This ensures that we can use the command python3 to call Python.

  • Test whether everything is working by typing python3 --version and pip3 --version. If both commands give a short output and no error, everything is set up correctly.

    • If pip3 --version doesn't give any output, run the command python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip, which should fix it.

Configure Git

  • Run git config --global core.autocrlf input in Git Bash.

Install Lean Tools

  • in Git Bash, run

    pip3 install mathlibtools

Install and Configure the Editor

  • Install VS Code.

  • Launch VS Code.

  • Click on the extension icon (image of icon) (or (image of icon) in older versions) in the side bar on the left edge of the screen (or press ShiftCtrlX) and search for leanprover.

  • Click "install" (In old versions of VS Code, you might need to click "reload" afterwards)

  • Setup the default shell:

    • If you're using git bash, press ctrl-shift-p to open the command palette, and type Select Default Shell, then select git bash from the menu.
  • Restart VS Code.

  • Verify Lean is working, for example by saving a file test.lean and entering #eval 1+1. A green line should appear underneath #eval 1+1, and hovering the mouse over it you should see 2 displayed.

Install Our Logical Verification Repository

  • Close VSCode.

  • Open Git Bash.

  • In Git Bash, use cd to go to the directory you want to place the project in (a new folder will be created for it at that location). For instance, you can use cd ~/Documents to go to your personal Documents folder.

  • Run these commands in Git Bash:

    leanproject get blanchette/logical_verification_2020
    cd logical_verification_2020
    lean --make lean

    The last command should produce a long list of warnings and errors which you can ignore.

  • Launch VSCode.

  • In the File menu, click Open Folder, and choose the folder logical_verification_2020 (not one of its subfolders). If you used ~/Documents above, it will be located in your Documents folder.

  • In the file explorer on the left-hand side, you will find all exercises and homework in the lean folder, as we upload them.

  • You can retrieve the newest exercises and homework that we upload by clicking the two arrows forming a circle in the bottom left corner.

Debian/Ubuntu and Derivates

Debian/Ubuntu and Derivates

These instructions are also in a YouTube video, not including the Logical Verification repository details.

Install Lean

  • Open a terminal, enter the following command and hit enter. (This will take some time.)

    wget -q && bash ; rm -f && source ~/.profile
  • You may have to log out and log in again to make sure that the lean command is on your PATH.

Install our Logical Verification Repository

  • Use cd to go to the directory you want to place the project in. (A new folder will be created for it at that location.)

    leanproject get blanchette/logical_verification_2020
    cd logical_verification_2020
    lean --make lean

    The last command should produce a long list of warnings and errors which you can ignore.

  • Launch VScode, either through your application menu or by typing code.

  • On the main screen, or in the File menu, click Open Folder, and choose the folder logical_verification_2020 (not one of its subfolders).

  • In the file explorer on the left-hand side, you will find all exercises and homework in the lean folder, as we upload them.

  • You can retrieve the newest exercises and homework that we upload by clicking the two arrows forming a circle in the bottom left corner.

Other Linux Distros

Other Linux Distros

Follow these instructions and proceed by the instructions "Install our logical verification repository" for Debian/Ubunutu above.



These instructions are also in a YouTube video, not including the Logical Verification repository details.

Install Lean

  • Open a terminal, enter the following command and hit enter. (This will take some time.)

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" && source ~/.profile

Install our Logical Verification Repository

  • Open a terminal.

  • Use cd to go to the directory you want to place the project in (a new folder will be created for it at that location), for example you can use ~/Documents.

    leanproject get blanchette/logical_verification_2020
    cd logical_verification_2020
    lean --make lean

    The last command should produce a long list of warnings and errors which you can ignore.

  • Open VScode again.

  • In the File menu, click Open, and choose the folder logical_verification_2020 (not one of its subfolders). If you used ~/Documents above, it will be in the Documents folder.

  • In the file explorer on the left-hand side, you will find all exercises and homework in the lean folder, as we upload them.

  • You can retrieve the newest exercises and homework that we upload by clicking the two arrows forming a circle in the bottom left corner.

Virtual Machine (for Any Operating System)

Virtual Machine

  • Download and install VirtualBox. (Other virtualization software should also work.)

  • Download the virtual machine, logical_verification_2020.ova (2.8G), from Google Drive.


    055d8a81ba1b48c9ae30b05c0a736f7aacc0b1a37133c8c681be47e040a50be6  logical_verification_2020.ova
  • Open VirtualBox.

  • Import the downloaded file via File > Import Appliance. This requires around 6GB of disk space. The virtual machine is configured to use 4 processor cores and up to 5GB of RAM. It uses around 4GB of RAM if you open all the Lean files in VSCode.

  • Start the virtual machine by selecting logical_verification_2020 and clicking the Start button.

  • Open VSCode by clicking on the blue ribbon icon on the desktop. VSCode should automatically open the folder ~/logical_verification_2020. In the file explorer on the left-hand side, you will find all exercises and homework in the lean folder, as we upload them.

  • You can retrieve the newest exercises and homework that we upload by clicking the two arrows forming a circle in the bottom left corner.

  • If you need the password for the virtual machine at some point, it is love.


Companion files for Logical Verification 2020–2021 at VU Amsterdam






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