Cains-Jawbone Public
An analysis of the Cain's Jawbone murder mystery puzzle using data science methods.
HTML UpdatedSep 13, 2023 -
Chain-of-Thoughts-Prompting Public
Forked from Knzaytsev/Chain-of-Thoughts-promptingPython UpdatedApr 15, 2023 -
CMB_Power_Spectrum Public
Forked from evanmarkel/CMB_Power_SpectrumFortran 90 code that simulates the cosmic microwave background power spectrum from first principles to the first order
Fortran UpdatedNov 3, 2016 -
cyclical-figurate-numbers Public
Forked from mgruben/cyclical-figurate-numbersFinds the sum of cyclic, polygonal ("figurate") numbers
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 3, 2017 -
DA-SOI Public
Data Analysis of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)
DA_PNE Public
Análise dos impactos da pandemia de Covid-19 no cumprimento da Meta 9 do Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE)
DeepLearningExamples Public
Forked from NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamplesState-of-the-Art Deep Learning scripts organized by models - easy to train and deploy with reproducible accuracy and performance on enterprise-grade infrastructure.
dyn_v Public
Forked from chaoticsyst/dynsysвизуализация динамических систем
C++ MIT License UpdatedAug 29, 2021 -
Efficient-Apriori Public
Forked from tommyod/Efficient-AprioriAn efficient Python implementation of the Apriori algorithm.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 5, 2023 -
emergent-unsupervised-learning Public
Forked from CarsonScott/emergent-unsupervised-learningIn which unsupervised learning emerges from spatial-temporal properties of neurons.
UpdatedNov 29, 2016 -
emergent_images Public
Forked from emilsjolander/emergent_imagesRebuilding images using emergent properties
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 9, 2014 -
finetune Public
Forked from IndicoDataSolutions/finetuneScikit-learn style model finetuning for NLP
Python Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedOct 17, 2023 -
Flocking Public
Forked from ar-sinha/FlockingThe Flocking Boids Simulation is an intriguing and visually captivating project that mimics the mesmerizing behavior of birds flocking together. By emulating the natural instincts and movement patt…
HTML UpdatedJul 16, 2023 -
girth Public
Forked from eribean/girthAn Item Response Theory Package for Python
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 9, 2022 -
Hopfield Public
Forked from G-NighT/HopfieldНейронная сеть Хопфилда для распознавания (восстановления) изображений
C# UpdatedDec 13, 2018 -
image-classifier Public
Final project for the AI Programming with Python Nanodegree from Udacity, during the AWS AI & ML Scholarship Program winter cohort in 2023
HTML UpdatedFeb 5, 2024 -
LibreHardwareMonitor Public
Forked from LibreHardwareMonitor/LibreHardwareMonitorLibre Hardware Monitor, home of the fork of Open Hardware Monitor
MarkovChain Public
Forked from Knzaytsev/MarkovChainВ репозитории находится реализация цепей Маркова.
C# UpdatedNov 1, 2020 -
MathLogicLabs Public
Forked from TheDudoser/MathLogicLabsмашины Тьюринга a нормальные алгорифмы Маркова
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 14, 2023 -
MinkowskiMahalanobis Public
Forked from EsraKantarci/MinkowskiMahalanobisThis repo includes Minkowski and Mahalanobis distance implementation without using any data mining or linear algebra libraries. It also has covariance matrix implementation, which can be handy as w…
Java UpdatedApr 26, 2021 -
MinkowskiReduction.jl Public
Forked from glwhart/MinkowskiReduction.jlLattice reduction in three dimensions
Julia MIT License UpdatedJun 9, 2022 -
MMatomdat Public
Forked from MTMurphy77/MMatomdatLaboratory atomic data for fitting quasar absorption line spectra with the "Many Multiplet" method for constraining cosmological variations in the fine-structure constant
Awk UpdatedNov 14, 2013 -
Modern-Physics Public
Forked from Wholinator/Modern-PhysicsIndividual study of emergent properties of relativistic, nuclear, particle, cosmological, etc physical systems
Python UpdatedFeb 19, 2019 -
papaya Public
Forked from skapfer/papayaPapaya, compute 2D Minkowski tensors
C++ UpdatedJan 20, 2017 -
particle-game-of-life Public
Forked from gerizim16/particle-game-of-lifeParticle simulation that depicts the emergent property of the universe. Inspired by Conway's Game of Life.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 19, 2020 -
patroni-etcd-postgres-ha Public
Forked from igor-susic/patroni-etcd-postgres-haExample for setting up highly available Postgres cluster, using ETCD and Patroni.
Python UpdatedJun 6, 2021 -
PhaseTransition Public
Forked from kongaskristjan/PhaseTransitionA 2d particle simulator with good physics and visualization. Emergent properties like solid, liquid and gaseous-like states of matter appear. (60k+ Youtube views, >99% like/dislike ratio)
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 1, 2022 -
Projection_Analysis Public
Forked from cyrusmallon/Projection_AnalysisProjection of n dimensional data through a selected plane
Mathematica UpdatedJul 1, 2022 -
rpi-vk-driver Public
Forked from Yours3lf/rpi-vk-driverVK driver for the Raspberry Pi (Broadcom Videocore IV)
C++ MIT License UpdatedApr 22, 2021