A semantic diffing utility for DMN 1.3 files. To be used together with bpmn-moddle.
Get the project via [TBD]:
npm install --save dmn-js-differ
Use the differ to compare two DMN 1.3 documents:
import { diff } from 'dmn-js-differ';
var oldDefinitions, newDefinitions; // read with dmn-moddle
var changes = diff(oldDefinitions, newDefinitions);
The diff returns an object with the _changed
, _added
, _removed
, _layoutChanged
keys containing all differences between the models.
// {
// Decision_1: {
// model: { $type: 'dmn:DecisionTable', id: 'Decision_1', ... },
// attrs: { name: { oldValue: '', newValue: 'T' } }
// }
// }
// {
// InputClause_1: { $type: 'dmn:InputClause', id: 'InputClause_1' }
// }
// {
// OutputClause_1: { $type: 'dmn:OutputClause', id: 'OutputClause_1' }
// }
// {
// DecisionRule_1: { $type: 'dmn:DecisionRule', id: 'DecisionRule_1' }
// }
Get dmn-moddle via npm:
npm install --save dmn-moddle
Load two diagrams:
import DmnModdle from 'dmn-moddle';
function loadModels(a, b) {
new DmnModdle().fromXML(a, function(err, adefs) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
new DmnModdle().fromXML(b, function(err, bdefs) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
} else {
return done(null, adefs, bdefs);
loadModels(aXML, bXML, function(err, aDefinitions, bDefinitions) {
// go ahead and use the models