Bluffalo allows you to do real mocking and stubbing in Swift.
A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library! 🦊
Premium hand-crafted icons built by Ionic, for Ionic apps and web apps everywhere 🌎
An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
A browser extension to add functionality to
This is a UIButton subclass that you can use for showing iAds.
This lets you steal the volume up and volume down buttons on iOS.
Objective C wrapper around the Twilio REST API. Lets you send text messages using the Twilio API on iPhone or OS X.
How to make your window look like the one used on the Mac App Store.
This project demonstrates a category that will automatically detect links in an NSText view when the text is set programattically.
A way to make different colored UIBarButtonItems
Takes an address and gets the latitude and longitude back. Uses the Google Maps API.
Simple imgur uploader iPhone app
A simple iPhone TableViewController for adding pull-to-refresh functionality.
KVOBlockNotificationCenter is a set of source code for using blocks with Cocoa's Key Value Observing (KVO). Originally inspired by Mike Ash's "KVO Done Right" blog post and code: http://www.mikeash…