Connect one or more OPC UA servers or PLC4X devices to the gateway and access the data with a GraphQL or a MQTT client. The Gateway additionally offers functionality to log value changes from OPC UA, MQTT and PLC4X in a range of databases and platforms, including InfluxDB, IoTDB, Kafka, among others. Tested with up to 250000 value changes per second on comodity hardware.
The Gateway passes values through, it does not store data internally. The MQTT Broker is not a fully complient MQTT Broker. It does not keep values in memory. If you subscribe to a virtual MQTT-Topic, which must follow certain rules, then it will connect to the tags in OPC UA or PLC4X and will pass the values to the client. If multiple clients subscribe to the same virtual topic, then only one subscription to the device is made and the Gateway will distribute the values to all the clients.
The Gateway also has an integrated OPC UA server. You can define what kind of data from MQTT brokers, other OPC UA servers and from PLC4X devices you want to have in the integraded OPC UA server.
Docker images can be found on Docker Hub.
News and Blog posts can be found here.
Here is a tutorial on YouTube.
- Build and Run
- Configuration
- OPCUA Schema in GraphQL
- Topic Mapping
- Logger Configuration
- OPCUA Driver
- PLC4X Driver
- MQTT Driver
- Build Docker Image
- Version History
It needs Java 17 or higher. There is an issue with Java 8 update 292 and bouncycastl encryption. here you can find more information about this issue..
You can open the project in IntelliJ IDEA IDE and build it there or use grade to build it from command line. Use the included "gradlew" command. Tt will download and use the right gradle version.
> cd source/app
> gradlew build
> export GATEWAY_CONFIG=config.yaml # Set configuration file (default is config.yaml)
> gradlew run
You can also pass the configuration filename as an argument.
App is with GraphQL, MQTT and the OPC UA connections.
There is also "App-plc4x" which includes the plc4x connectivity.
See config.yaml in the app directory for an example how to configure the Gateway. You can pass a configuration file name to the program as the first argument or by setting a environment variable GATEWAY_CONFIG. If no argument is given then config.yaml will be used.
There is a YAML schema in the doc directory. This can be used with Visual Studio Code to create a valid YAML configuration for the gateway.
In Visual Studio Codee install the "YAML Language Support by Red Hat" Extension. In the settings of this extension you will find the "schema" section, open the settings.json and add one line to the yaml.schemas sections:
yaml.schemas": {
"your-path-to-gateway/doc/yaml-json-schema.json": ["config*.yaml"]
If you enable GraphiQL, a graphical ui to build and execute GraphQL queries, then you can access GraphiQL with
http://localhost:4000/graphiql/ ! trailing slash is important !
- Id: Mqtt
Port: 1883
LogLevel: INFO # ALL | INFO
- Port: 4841
LogLevel: INFO
- Topic: opc/demo1/path/#
- Topic: opc/demo2/path/#
- Id: GraphQL
Port: 4000
LogLevel: INFO
GraphiQL: true
The GraphQL server can read the OPC UA object schema and convert it to a GraphQL schema. The starting NodeIds can be set to reduce the amount of browsed items. Browsing can take some while if the OPC UA server holds a huge structure of tags!
- Id: GraphQL
Port: 4000
Enabled: true
LogLevel: INFO # ALL | INFO
GraphiQL: true
WriteSchemaToFile: false
Schemas: # This systems will be browsed and converted to GraphQL
- System: "unified" # Id of OPC UA system, must correlate with the drivers id
FieldName: BrowseName # Use "BrowseName" or "DisplayName" as item name in GraphQL
- ns=2;s=Simulation # Node will be browsed and added to GraphQL schema
- ns=2;s=SimulationMass # Node will be browsed and added to GraphQL schema
- Id: "unified"
Enabled: true
LogLevel: INFO
EndpointUrl: "opc.tcp://scada-server:4890"
UpdateEndpointUrl: scada-server
Example GraphQL Query with two OPC UA systems:
Systems {
unified {
HmiRuntime {
HMI_RT_5 {
A1 {
Velocity { ...Value }
RefPoint { ...Value }
ignition {
Tag_Providers {
default {
Pump_1 {
flow { ...Value }
speed { ...Value }
fragment Value on Node {
Value {
With the built in MQTT Interface you can get access to the connected OPC UA servers by subscribing to MQTT Topics.
The Topic name follows a certain rule. When a MQTT client subscribes to such MQTT topics, then the Gateway will create a subscription to the Node in the OPC UA Server. If multiple clients subscribe to the same Topic/Node, then the Gateway will act as a distributor and only one connection to the node is made.
Note: In the following examples "test" is the Id of the OPC UA Client in the configuration file.
Note: Remove the blanks between the slashe! Just here for better readabilty.
Using the NodeId
opc / test / node / ns=2;s=ExampleDP_Float.ExampleDP_Arg1
opc / test / node / 2 / ExampleDP_Float.ExampleDP_Arg1
Value as JSON with timestamp, quality, ...
opc / test / node:json / ns=2;s=ExampleDP_Float.ExampleDP_Arg1
opc / test / node:json / 2 / ExampleDP_Float.ExampleDP_Arg1
Using the browse path instead of the NodeId
opc / test / path / root-node-id / browse-name / browse-name /...
Wildcard "+" can also be used as a browsename
opc / ua / path:json / ns=1;s=16|Tags / +
"Objects" can be used as root node and will be replace with "i=85"
opc / test / path / Objects / Test / Test00003 / float
opc / test / path / Objects / Test / Test00003 / +
Be careful when using wildcards when there are a lot of nodes, it can lead to a lot of browsing round trips
opc / test / path / Objects / Test / + / float
Loggers for different type of sinks can be defined in the configuration file. All of them share a common configuration and can have additonal sink specific configuration. Sink specific configuration can be found in the example configuration files or in the version history.
In the "Logging" section we can specify the Topics which should be logged to the sink. The Topics follow the same rule as MQTT Topics and will map to sources like OPC UA or PLC4X. See Topic Mapping.
- Id: influx1
Enabled: true
Database: test
Username: ""
Password: ""
QueueSize: 20000
BlockSize: 10000
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_SByte/+
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Byte/+
Every logger has an internal topic where the throughput is updated every second. Topic: logger/logger-id/metrics Value: {"Input v/s":20932,"Output v/s":20932} # just an example
See config directory for more example configurations.
- Id: "unified"
Enabled: true
LogLevel: INFO
EndpointUrl: "opc.tcp://desktop-9o6hthf:4890"
SecurityPolicy: Basic128Rsa15
SubscriptionSamplingInterval: 0
Username: opcuauser
Password: password1
QueueSize: 1000
BlockSize: 100
WithTime: true
BufferSize: 10
SamplingInterval: 0.0
DiscardOldest: true
You the application app-plc4x to get values from various source supported by PLC4X. See config.yaml in each folder of the app. Because some PLC4X drivers/plc's do not support subscriptions we have added a simple polling options (currently only one polling time per connection).
> cd app-plc4x
cat config.yaml
- Id: "machine1"
Enabled: true
Url: "modbus://"
Time: 1000 # ms
Timeout: 900 # ms
OldNew: true
WriteTimeout: 100 # ms
ReadTimeout: 100 # ms
LogLevel: ALL
> gradle run
Example GraphQL Query:
a: NodeValue(
Type: Plc,
System: "mod"
NodeId: "coil:1"
) {
b: NodeValue(
Type: Plc
System: "mod"
NodeId: "holding-register:1:INT"
) {
Example MQTT Topic:
MQTT Brokers can be connected with MQTT Driver. Withte the RAW Format the values are strings. JSON Format will be the Gateway's JSON format. If you add "CustomJson" to the config, then the JSON format can be customized. You can set JSON-Paths (without $.) to get the value out of a JSON. Currently only JSON objects are supported (not arrays).
- Id: "mqtt1"
LogLevel: INFO
Port: 1883
Format: Json
Value: "Value"
TimestampMs: "TimeMS"
TimestampIso: "TimeISO"
You have to build the program before with gradle. Then you can use the shell script docker/
to build a docker image.
docker run --rm --name gateway -p 4000:4000 -p 1883:1883 -v $PWD/config.yaml:/app/config.yaml gateway
C:\Workspace\automation-gateway\source> gradle build
C:\Workspace\automation-gateway\docker> build.bat
C:\Workspace\automation-gateway\docker\examples\hazelcast> docker compose up -d
- 1.26 Reactivated Neo4j Logger
- 1.25 MQTT Driver Custom JSON Format
- 1.24 Added OPC UA server
- 1.23 Upgrade to VertX 4.4.6
- 1.22 Config file changes
- 1.21.2 Fixes and SparkplugB for Kafka & MQTT Logger
- 1.21.1 Fixes and SparkplugB for MQTT Client
- 1.21 IoTDB, MQTT SparkplugB Logger, YAML Schema, Native-Image
- 1.20.3 Moved Neo4J to separate branches
- 1.20.2 Modifed JSON Format of Kafka Logger
- 1.20.1 Kafka properties in the config file
- 1.20 Cleanup and GraalVM Native Build
- 1.19 Neo4j Logger
- 1.18.3 Added MQTT Websocket Option and simple Authentication
- 1.18.2 Raw value to engineering value conversion for PLC4X driver
- 1.18.1 Features and fixes in PLC4X driver
- 1.18 Removed Apache Ignite
- 1.17 Added CrateDB as supported JDBC database for logging
- 1.16 JDBC Logger to write field values to relational databases
- 1.15 Nats Logger to write field values to a Nats server
- 1.14 Fixes and optimizations
- 1.13 MQTT Logger to write field values to a MQTT Broker
- 1.12 MQTT Driver with Groovy script transformer
- 1.11 Apache Kafka Database Logger
- 1.10 Apache IoTDB Database Logger
- 1.9 Apache Ignite as Cluster option and Ignite as Memory-Store
- 1.8 Upgrade to VertX 4.0.3
- 1.7 DDS Driver (subscribe and publish)
- 1.6 Added GraphiQL (http://localhost:4000/graphiql/)
- 1.5 OPC UA Schemas to GraphQL Schema Importer
Added Neo4j as an option to log values from MQTT or OPC UA to the graph database. Additionally the OPC UA node structure can also be replicated to the graph database. This will be done only once at the startup of the Automation Gateway. For MQTT the node structure will be built during runtime, as new topics are coming in, the structure will be created.
- Id: neo4j
Enabled: true
Url: bolt://nuc1.rocworks.local:7687
Username: "neo4j"
Password: "neo4j"
- System: demo1
- "ns=2;s=Variables"
- System: demo2
- "ns=2;s=Demo"
- Topic: mqtt/mqtt1/path/Original/#
- Topic: opc/demo1/path/Objects/Variables/#
- Topic: opc/demo2/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/#
With format JSON it is now possible to define the JSON-Path for the value and for the timestamp in milliseconds since epoch or ISO 8601. If CustomJson is not defined, then the JSON content is a defined JSON format of the Gateway. The format is used for reading and writing.
- Id: "mqtt1"
LogLevel: INFO
Port: 1883
Format: Json
Value: "Value"
TimestampMs: "TimeMS"
TimestampIso: "TimeISO"
The Gateway now also has an integrated OPC UA server. You can define what kind of data from MQTT brokers, other OPC UA servers and from PLC4X devices you want to have in the integraded OPC UA server. Data will be mapped to structured nodes in the OPC UA server. It is also possible to change the values in the OPC UA server and the changed values will be written back to the source (MQTT broker, other OPC UA server, PLC4X connected device).
There is now also a GraphQL interface for the configuration of the gateway. This GraphQL Server can be enabled by setting the environment variable "GATEWAY_CONFIG_PORT=9999". 9999 will be the port for the configuration GraphQL serer. This configuration GraphQL server can be used to build a configuration Ui for the gateway.
The GraphQL server websocket subprotocol now changed to the new one: "graphql-transport-ws". The older Apollo subprotocol "graphql-ws" is not supported anymore.
Note: In some GraphQL context the naming of the two protocols can be confusing. From Confusingly, the subscriptions-transport-ws library calls its WebSocket subprotocol graphql-ws, and the graphql-ws library calls its subprotocol graphql-transport-ws! The names of the protocol and the websocket subprotocol are exchangend.
!!! Config file structure has changed !!!
To have a consistant layout of the config file, it was necessary to change the structure of it. Existing config files must be changed! Please use the Visual Studio Code YAML plugin to change your existing configs. See Configuration.
Example of the new config file:
- Id: "GraphQL"
- Id: "Mqtt"
- Id: remote
Port: 8883
- Id: demo1
EndpointUrl: "opc.tcp://"
SecurityPolicy: None
- Id: demo2
EndpointUrl: "opc.tcp://"
SecurityPolicy: None
- Id: InfluxLogger1
Url: http://nuc1b.rocworks.local:8086
Database: test
- Topic: opc/demo1/path/Objects/Variables/#
- Topic: opc/demo2/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/#
- Topic: mqtt/remote/path/Austria/Sparkplug/#
- Id: MqttLogger1
Host: linux0.rocworks.local
Port: 1883
Format: Raw
Topic: test1
- Topic: mqtt/remote/path/Austria/Sparkplug/#
Kafka and MQTT Logger can now publish SparkplugB message format.
There is now a Format option for the MQTT driver. It can now read SparkplugB messages from topics. You can use now a logger to log values from a MQTT broker which are in SparkplugB message format. You can also write values from GraphQL or publish a value from the MQTT server to the MQTT driver. If the format of the MQTT driver is set to SparkplugB, it will publish a SparkplubB message.
- Id: "mqttclient1"
Host: linux0.rocworks.local
Port: 1883
Format: SparkplugB # RAW | JSON
MQTT Publish Example:
- mqtt/mqttclient1/node:value/Enterprise/Test => Hallo World
- mqtt/mqttclient1/node:json/Enterprise/Test => {"value": "Hello World", "sourceTime":"2023-10-19T18:23:55.389Z"}
- IoTDB is now again available as data logger.
- SparkplubB message format for MQTT logger.
- Id: mqtt1
Type: Mqtt
Enabled: true
LogLevel: INFO
Host: linux0.rocworks.local
Port: 1883
Topic: Enterprise/Site/Area/Line
Format: Json
BulkMessages: false
- Topic: opc/demo1/path/Objects/Variables/#
- Topic: opc/demo2/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/#
- YAML json schema is now availabe in the doc directory. It can be used with the "YAML Language Support by Red Hat" Extension. In the settings find the Schema section, open the settings.json and add one line to the yaml.schemas sections:
yaml.schemas": {
"your-path-to-gateway/doc/yaml-json-schema.json": ["config*.yaml"]
- Update to Gradle 8.4 with new build files.
- Native image build was upgraded to GraalVM 17 and Java 17.
- Native image works with Mqtt,Kafka,InfluxDB and IoTDB.
- Logger configurations have now a separate object for the type specific configurations (but the old style yaml format is still supported). This was necessary for the YAML json schema.
- Id: iotdb1
Type: IoTDB
Enabled: false
IoTDB: # same name as Type
Host: linux0.rocworks.local
Port: 6667
Database: root.gateway
Username: "root"
Password: "root"
LogLevel: INFO
- For published data we use now a DataPoint type instead of JSON. With the JSON format we have lost the origin datatype of the source. By using the new DataPoint type (Topic+TopicValue) the data type is preserved.
- Upgrade from Vert.X 4.2.4 to 4.2.7
Neo4J is now in a separate branch and is removed from the main branch
Added times in ms epoch and also added the value as double and as string.
"nodeId": "ns=2;i=3",
"systemName": "scadaopcua",
"topicName": "opc/scadaopcua/path/Objects/Home/#",
"browsePath": "Objects/Home/Gas/Daily",
"sourceTime": "2023-07-14T09:53:43.945894Z",
"serverTime": "1601-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"sourceTimeMs": 1689328423945,
"serverTimeMs": -11644473600000,
"value": 2,
"valueAsString": "2",
"valueAsDouble": 2,
"statusCode": "0"
It can be configured with a bunch of properties as described in the official Apache Kafka documentation.
Put the properites and values below "Configs" - see example below where the "batch.size" is set to 10000.
But be careful, you will not get an error message if you set an unknow property, so be sure to use right name of the property.
- Id: kafka1
Type: Kafka
Enabled: true
Servers: nuc1.rocworks.local:9092
Configs: # you can set any valid Kafka producer property here
batch.size: 10000
QueueSize: 20000
BlockSize: 10000
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_SByte/+
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Byte/+
GraalVM Native Image build is now possible, see directory "native". Removed various unused features and upgraded libraries to the latest versions. For the native build it was needed to replace SLF4J logging with the standard Java logging.
Removed Features:
- Clustering
- IoTDB: it leads to debug(!) log messages of other components, did not invest time to find out how to get rid of this behaviour.
- MQTTDriver: it uses Groovy and I could get it running natively compiled, so I had to remove it to get rid of Groovy
Fixed bug: Topic data class now contains two separate fields "path" and "node". Before there was only one field "address". This also fixed a Bug when connecting/disconnecting of topics with wildcards.
!! NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE !! Separate Branch !!
Added Neo4j as an option to log values from OPC UA to the graph database. Additionally the OPC UA node structure can also be replicated to the graph database. This will be done only once at the startup of the Automation Gateway.
- Id: neo4j
Enabled: true
Type: Neo4j
Url: bolt://nuc1.rocworks.local:7687
Username: "neo4j"
Password: "manager"
- System: opc1 # Replicate node structure to the graph database
- "ns=2;s=Demo" # This node and everything below this node
- System: winccoa1 # Replicate the nodes starting from "i=85" (Objects) node
BlockSize: 1000
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Float/+
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Double/+
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Int16/+
- Topic: opc/winccoa1/path/Objects/PUMP1/#
- Topic: opc/winccoa1/path/Objects/ExampleDP_Int/#
Added the option to enable a Websocket listener for the MQTT server. The Websocket listener is listening on the endpoint "/mqtt". Example MQTT Client Url: "ws://your-host-or-ip/mqtt"
- Id: Mqtt # Tcp listener without authentication
Port: 1883
- Id: MqttWs # Websocket listener with authentication
Port: 1884
Websocket: true
Username: system # If empty, then any username can be used
Password: manager # If empty, then any or no password can be used
It is now possible to define Groovy functions to convert raw values to engineering values. Every incoming or outgoing value will be passed through the defined functions. The functions can currently only be defined at the connection level, so every value coming from this PLC connection goes through the conversion functions.
- Id: "niryo"
Enabled: true
Url: "modbus://"
Time: 100
Timeout: 90
OldNew: true
WriteTimeout: 100
ReadTimeout: 100
LogLevel: ALL
Reader: > # Here is the function for incoming values
def x = value as int;
return x > 32767 ? 32767 - x : x
Writer: > # Here is the function for outgoing values
def x = value as int;
return x < 0 ? 32767 - x : x
If you need different functions for different addresses then you have to implement a switch/case statement. The functions have two arguments: "address" and "value".
Here is an example where a value conversion is done only for some addresses:
Reader: >
def x = value as int;
def xs = ["input-register:1:UINT", "input-register:2:UINT", "input-register:2:UINT"];
if (xs.contains(address)) {
println "convert!"
return x > 32767 ? 32767 - x : x;
} else {
return x;
Auto reconnect to the PLC if the connection is lost.
Read/Write/Poll only if the connection to the PLC is up.
Fixed issue when writing a value fails (stopped the writing thread).
Fixed issue in unsubscribe with polling option (polling item was not removed).
Fixed issue when a client disconnects (unsubscribe with a list of topics failed).
Added new configuration settings for the driver: timeout in ms for write, read, polling.
- Id: "machine1"
Enabled: true
Url: "modbus://"
Time: 1000
Timeout: 900 # ms
OldNew: true
WriteTimeout: 100 # ms
ReadTimeout: 100 # ms
LogLevel: INFO
Apache Ignite was removed due to its size and maintenance requirements. We don't know of anyone using the Ignite option, so we decided to remove it.
CrateDB is now also supported as JDBC database for logging. If the table (default name "events") does not exists, it will be created partitioned by the month of the source time with four shareds. But you can create the table manually in advance with the settings of your needs.
"sys" TEXT,
"nodeid" TEXT,
"sourcetime_month" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE GENERATED ALWAYS AS date_trunc('month', "sourcetime"),
"numericvalue" DOUBLE,
"stringvalue" TEXT,
"status" TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (sourcetime_month, sourcetime, sys, nodeid)
Added the option to log values to a JDBC compliant relational database. You have to add the JDBC driver to your classpath and set the appropriate JDBC URL path in the configuration file. PostgreSQL, MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server JDBC drivers are already included in the build.gradle file (see lib-jdbc/build.gradle) and also appropriate SQL statements are implemented for those relational databases. If you use other JDBC drivers you can add the driver to the lib-jdbc/build.gradle file as runtime only dependency and you may specify SQL statements for insert and select in the configuration file.
You can specify the table name in the config file with the option "SqlTableName", if you do not specify the table name then "events" will be used as default name.
Specify JDBC drivers in the lib-jdbc/build.gradle file:
runtimeOnly group: 'org.postgresql', name: 'postgresql', version: 'x.x.x'
runtimeOnly group: 'mysql', name: 'mysql-connector-java', version: 'x.x.x'
runtimeOnly group: '', name: 'mssql-jdbc', version: 'x.x.x.jre11'
Create a table with this structure. For PostgreSQL, MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server the table will be created on startup automatically.
sys character varying(30) NOT NULL,
nodeid character varying(30) NOT NULL,
sourcetime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
servertime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
numericvalue numeric,
stringvalue text,
status character varying(30) ,
CONSTRAINT pk_events PRIMARY KEY (system, nodeid, sourcetime)
TABLESPACE ts_scada;
Configuration of JDBC database logger:
- Id: postgres
Type: Jdbc
Enabled: true
Url: jdbc:postgresql://nuc1:5432/scada
Username: system
Password: manager
SqlTableName: events
QueueSize: 20000
BlockSize: 10000
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_SByte/+
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Byte/+
Because the SQL dialect can be slightly different with other databases, you can specify the insert and select SQL statement in the config file:
- Id: other
Type: Jdbc
Enabled: true
Url: jdbc:other://nuc1:1111/scada
Username: system
Password: manager
SqlTableName: events
SqlInsertStatement: >
INSERT INTO events (sys, nodeid, sourcetime, servertime, numericvalue, stringvalue, status)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SqlQueryStatement: >
SELECT sourcetime, servertime, numericvalue, stringvalue, status
FROM events
WHERE sys = ? AND nodeid = ? AND sourcetime >= ? AND sourcetime <= ?
Added a Nats Logger to write field values to a Nats server. It is like a database logger, but it writes the values to a configurable Nats server. Any values which get into Frankenstein (OPC UA, PLC4X, DDS, MQTT) by a Driver can be logged to a Nats server. The values are stored in JSON format.
- Id: nats1
Type: Nats
Enabled: true
Url: "nats://nuc1:4222"
QueueSize: 20000
BlockSize: 10000
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_SByte/+
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Byte/+
- MQTT Driver: Caching of NodeIds in MQTT Driver (topic to NodeId cache).
- MQTT Server and Driver: max message size can be set in config file (e.g. for Video streaming).
- GraphQL Define one or more starting/root NodeIds for GraphQL OPC UA schema import.
- GraphQL: Renamed "NodeIds" to "RootNodes" in Schema section (for OCP UA )
- Renamed TopicValueDDS to TopicValueJson.
Added a MQTT Logger to write field values to a MQTT Broker. It is like a database logger, but it writes the values to a configurable MQTT Broker. Any values which get into Frankenstein (OPC UA, PLC4X, DDS, MQTT) by a Driver can be logged to a MQTT Broker. The values are stored in JSON format.
- Id: mqtt1
Type: Mqtt
Enabled: true
Port: 1883
Ssl: false
QueueSize: 20000
BlockSize: 10000
- Topic: opc/smarthome/path/Meter_Input/WattAct
- Topic: opc/smarthome/path/Meter_Output/WattAct
- Topic: opc/smarthome/path/PV/Spot/+
Added a inital version of a MQTT Driver to get values from a MQTT Broker into Frankenstein. A Groovy script can be used to transform the values to an OPC UA format, so that Frankenstein can be used to log those value to databases. Functionality is currently very limited, only subscribe is implemented.
In this example we transform values of a MQTT Broker from this format: {"TimeMS":1620327963328,"Value":10.277357833719135} to our internal TopicValueOpc format by using a Groovy script and then log some topic values to an InfluxDB.
- Id: "mqtt1"
Enabled: true
LogLevel: INFO
Port: 1883
Ssl: false
Format: JSON
Script: >
return [
className: "TopicValueOpc",
sourceTime: Instant.ofEpochMilli(source.TimeMS).toString(),
value: source.Value,
dataTypeId: 0,
statusCode: 0 ]
- Id: influx1
Type: InfluxDB
Enabled: true
Database: test
Username: ""
Password: ""
QueueSize: 20000
BlockSize: 10000
- Topic: mqtt/mqtt1/path/Meter_Input/WattAct
- Topic: mqtt/mqtt1/path/Meter_Output/WattAct
- Topic: mqtt/mqtt1/path/PV/Spot/+
Added Apache Kafka as tag logger option, all incoming value changes of the configured topics will be published to an Apache Kafka Broker. How to can be found here
- Id: kafka1
Type: Kafka
Servers: server2:9092
QueueSize: 20000
BlockSize: 10000
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_SByte/+
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Byte/+
You can also use KSQL to analyze the tag stream. Connect to a ksql cli:
docker exec -ti ksqldb-cli ksql http://ksqldb-server:8088
Create a stream for your logger. Each logger has its own Kafka-Topic. Topic name is equal to the source id of the tag (opc/opc1/...)
browsePath VARCHAR KEY,
sourceTime VARCHAR,
value DOUBLE,
statusCode VARCHAR
) WITH (
Example of a simple quey:
FROM opc1
WHERE node like '%_00'
!! NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE !! Separate Branch !!
Added Apache IoTDB as tag logger option.
- Id: iotdb1
Type: IoTDB
Host: server2
Port: 6667
Database: root.scada1
Username: "root"
Password: "root"
QueueSize: 20000
BlockSize: 10000
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_SByte/+
- Topic: opc/opc1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Byte/+
Added Apache Ignite as an option for clustering and also to use the Apache Ignite Distributed In Memory Cache for storing last and history values coming from OPC UA or other sources. With that enabled it is possible to do SQL queries on the process values. The cache node stores historical value changes for a defined timerange. So older values are purged on a regular basis (configurable in the configuration file). It is configurable which topics should be stored in the Apache Ignite Cache.
- Id: "global"
Enabled: true
LogLevel: INFO
SqlIndexMaxInlineSize: 1000
StoreHistoryValues: true
- SystemType: Opc
SystemName: "opcua1"
PurgeEverySeconds: 10
KeepLastSeconds: 180
- SystemType: Opc
SystemName: "opcua2"
PurgeEverySeconds: 10
KeepLastSeconds: 180
- Topic: opc/opcua1/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Double/+
- Topic: opc/opcua2/path/Objects/Demo/SimulationMass/SimulationMass_Double/+
Updates on the tables are currently not possible. It is implemented that updates on the updatevalue columns should write the values to the source OPC UA server, but unfortunately it leads to unexpected behaviour of the Ignite Cluster.
There is a command line query tool available in the Apache Ignite Distribution. But you can also download the JDBC driver or ODBC drive from the Apache Ignite Website and use any other JDBC/ODBC client tool.
C:\Tools\apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin\bin\sqlline.bat -u jdbc:ignite:thin://
Example Queries:
select * from global.opcnode where nodeid like '%Mass%'
select systemname, count(*)
from global.opcvalue
group by systemname;
select systemname, count(*), min(sourcetime), max(sourcetime)
from global.opcvaluehistory
group by systemname;
There are Docker examples available in the docker/examples directory.
C:\Workspace\automation-gateway\source> gradle build
C:\Workspace\automation-gateway\docker> build.bat
C:\Workspace\automation-gateway\docker\examples\ignite> docker compose up -d
Upgraded to VertX 4.0.3 and splitted the value type to a base class with subclasses for Opc, Plc and DDS. The app names have been changed, the clustered apps are now named with "cluster". DDS values can now be logged to InfluxDB.
Added a first version of DDS support. Currently only MQTT subscribe and publish to DDS topics are functional. It is the app-dds application, the app-gateway must also be up and running.
You need to install OpenDDS and build it with Java support. And you also have to compile your DDS IDL files with Java support. See the ReadMe.txt in the idl directory of app-dds.
Example MQTT Topic:
- Id: "demo"
Enabled: true
LogLevel: ALL
DCPSConfigFile: rtps.ini
Domain: 0
- Id: "shape"
TopicTypeName: ""
- Id: "message"
TopicTypeName: ""
1.6 Added GraphiQL (http://localhost:4000/graphiql/)
Added GraphiQL to the Gateway and optionally write the browsed schemas (OPC UA and generated GraphQL scheam) to files.
- Port: 4000
LogLevel: ALL
GraphiQL: true # Enable GraphiQL
WriteSchemaToFile: false # Write GraphQL Schema to a file
- System: ignition
FieldName: BrowseName # BrowseName | DisplayName
- Id: "ignition"
Enabled: true
Support multiple OPC UA schemas in GraphQL. Be sure that you have set BrowseOnStartup: true
for the OPC UA servers which you want to embed in the GraphQL schema. Additionally it can be defined which OPC UA field should be taken as the GraphQL field name: it can be "BrowseName" or "DisplayName". But be careful, the DisplayName must not be unique below a node, so it can lead to an invalid schema.
- Port: 4000
LogLevel: ALL
- System: ignition
FieldName: BrowseName # BrowseName | DisplayName
- Id: "ignition"
Enabled: true