WARNING: IT'S ONLY A SAMPLE!. If you use this sample, you do so at your own risk.
This is a sample that showcases the features of BlockCypher's REST APIs. The application uses the SDKs provided by BlockCypher. It is a Bitcoin wallet.
- PHP 5.4+
- curl, openssl PHP extensions
- Composer for installing the Rest API SDK.
- It´s a symfony app so you can use official Symfony documentation
- Copy the php-wallet-sample folder to your htdocs folder.
- Run 'composer install' from the root directory.
- You are ready. Bring up http://localhost/php-wallet-sample on your favorite browser.
You can use the PHP Built-in web server:
cd web
php -S localhost:8000 server.php
- GitHub repository for PHP REST API SDK - https://github.com/blockcypher/php-client
- Login using BlockCypher API token.
- Validate address in "Send Funds".
- Add edit pages for wallets, address, txs.
- Client-side signing.
- Support for multisign addresses.
- Console commands for basic app commands: create wallet, address and transaction.
- Add behat, phpspec, tests, ...
- ...
- Extract common code to independent package (make some parts reusable to another Symfony or XXX framework projects)
- Extract common code to independent Symfony bundle (make some parts reusable to another Symfony projects)