A plugin for Redmine.
Adds a simple indicator to the project overview showing whether a project’s build is currently passing or failing in Jenkins.
The master branch is compatible with Redmine 2.x only. If you’re still using Redmine 1.x, use the ‘redmine-1.x’ branch.
Clone into Redmine’s plugins folder.
Inside the plugin’s config folder, copy jenkins.example.yml to jenkins.yml and add your Jenkins JSON API URL to it. Also, add your credentials to it (if applicable). For example:
production: api_url: http://jenkins.example.com/api/json username: my_name password: my_pass
If authentication is not required, the username and password can be omitted.
The project identifier used in Jenkins must match the project identifier used in Redmine.
Author: Chris Rosser <[email protected]>
Contributors: emoreth