Students will implement a Jeopardy game.
Below is the recommended order in which to complete the project.
- Note the
array at the top of the file. These are the category headers. - Follow the instructions in the file and write code where it reads
// Add code here
- The output should be:
- Note the
variables at the top of the file. - Follow the instructions in the file and write code where it reads
// Add code here
- The output should be:
Students and volunteers should take a minute to read the instructions.
- There is a lot of code in this file and students are asked to carefully append it.
Follow the instructions and write code where it reads
// Add code here
If done correctly, the following should be true:
- Each question block is clickable
- On-click renders a popup like so:
- Clicking "Show Answer" will show the answer like so:
- Clicking "Close" will hide the modal and remove the question from the board like so:
Follow the instructions in the file and write code where it reads
// Add code here
If done correctly, the following should be true:
- On launching, there is a new "Current Score: 0" div at the bottom of the board like so:
- After clicking on a question, then clicking "Show Answer", the player is presented with an option to select "Correct" or "Wrong".
- If the player chooses "Correct", the score is updated to reflect the added amount.
- Ensure that choosing "Wrong" subtracts the amount instead.
The game of Jeopardy is usually played with time constraints.
During the first two rounds, a contestant has 5 seconds to respond to the question after ringing-in.
In our Jeopardy game, we don't have the ability to ring-in, so we're going to give the player 10 seconds to answer the question.
Here's how it should work:
- When the question is displayed, start a 10 second timer.
- When the time is up, automatically switch to the answer.
/* TODO: Program the following:
- Start the countdown timer whenever a question cell is clicked.
- Add a click handler to all elements with the 'question-cell' class (like
- we did in click_handler.js), which does the following actions.
- Call startCountdownTimer with three parameters:
- a) Timer length, in seconds (start with 10)
- b) A callback function which returns true when the timer should be
canceled, e.g. when the user presses "show answer" before time is up!
- c) A callback function which runs when the user runs out of time.
- Implement the times-up callback function 2(c), which should show the
- answer choices, but with the "correct" button disabled.
- Implement the should-cancel callback function 2(b), which should return
- true if the user pressed the show-answer or close buttons.