Swiftfall is a wrapper written in Swift for the API Scryfall.
Documentation for Scryfall API.
Scryfall is API which handles information about the card game Magic: The Gathering.
What works?
All types are Structs and can be reach through a Swiftfall.get*().
All Structs have a print function called simplePrint().
- Struct containing data about a Magic Card
- Struct containing data about a Set of Magic cards
- Struct containing a list of Cards
- Struct containing a list of Sets
These are some functions you can call which will handle information from Scryfall's API.
Swiftfall.getCard(fuzzy:String) -> Card? (Fuzzy search)
Swiftfall.getCard(exact:String) -> Card? (Exact search)
Swiftfall.getRandomCard() -> Card? (Random Card)
Swiftfall.getCardList() -> CardList? (The first page)
Swiftfall.getCardList(page:Int) -> CardList? (Loads a specific page)
Swiftfall.getSet(code:String) -> Set? (String must be a three letter code)
Swiftfall.getSetList() -> SetList? (All Sets)