A simple starter template application integrating Spring 5.2.4, Spring Boot 2.2.5, Thymeleaf templates, React, and Webpack 4
Create a starter template that incorporates the major tools necessary to build a modern web application.
- Java
- Thymeleaf
- Spring MVC
- Spring Boot
- Webpack
- Gulp
- Bootstrap
- React
I was trying to bring all of these tools together and ran into a few pitfalls along the way. Figured it was worthwhile writing it up so that others could avoid the mistakes that I made.
- Java 11 sdk
- Apache Maven 3.1.0 or later.
Build the application.
mvn clean package
This may take a few minutes the first time as it will pull down a local copy of node/npm and necessary modules.
Start the spring boot application.
./generic-site/target/generic-site.jar --spring.profiles.active=prod
View the application in your browser.
Build the application
mvn clean package
Start the spring boot application with the dev profile active.
./generic-site/target/generic-site.jar --spring.profiles.active=dev
Then in a second terminal window
cd generic-site/src/main/javascript
Start the webpack dev server.
This will run the webpack dev server. This way when you make changes to the javascript code they'll be reflected in the browser quickly.
View the application in your browser.