PYHK is python module that allows for simple hotkey registration in any program. It extends pyhook to have normal hotkey functionality like autohotkey (AHK) scripts.
Main features:
- Simple hotkey registration
- Hotkey removal by hotkey or id
- Option to run trigger function in thread
- Option to run trigger function on a key up event
Tested with Python 2.6, 2.7
Total downloads before moving to github: 2562
PYHK is as simple as this:
import pyhk
def fun():
print "Do something"
#create pyhk class instance
hot = pyhk.pyhk()
#add hotkey
hot.addHotkey(['Ctrl', 'Alt','7'],fun)
#start looking for hotkey.
##Documentation http://www.schurpf.com/python/python-hotkey-module/pyhk-end-user-documentation/
##Old version http://www.schurpf.com/python/python-hotkey-module/#download
##Dependencies Pyhook
http://www.schurpf.com/python/python-hotkey-module/ - Project home page http://www.schurpf.com/python/python-hotkey-module/pyhk-end-user-documentation/ - End user documentation
##Contact Author
michael at schurpf dot com Please write in English or German only.
##Known Issues
Python IDLE freezes at times. Best use is to call your script directly from the command line with python YOURSCRIPT.py.
After logout or sleep on some machines the hotkeys get triggered by only pressing the modifiers.
Distributed under GNU General Public License version 2.