Slida is a lite, fully responsive JQuery carousel plugin that uses CSS3 transitions if available.
It offers a few (for now) options that the user can easily choose from.
autoanimate: false, // autoanimate?! (def false) if you add auto animate arrows dont work for now
b_count: 3, // count of elements on stage (def 1)
easing_type: 'swing', // easing type - choose from jquery easing or add another library ('swing')
delay_time: 1000, // autoanimate delay
delay_time_after_stop: 200, // delay after hover out
width: 100,
l_left: $('#link_right') // select by id left arrow
l_right: $('#link_left') // select by id right arrow
Using it is pretty simple. Just embed JQuery latest and Slida.js on your page and follow the instructions bellow to set up you html, css and js code.