Tags: bobrippling/neovim
fix(runtime): stop treesitter highlight in b:undo_ftplugin (neovim#29533 ) It seems that nvim-treesitter stops treesitter highlight when changing filetype, so it makes sense for builtin ftplugins to do this as well. Use :call and v:lua here to allow separation with '|'.
NVIM v0.3.5 Maintenance release to fix issues found in v0.3.4. FIXES: f891131 neovim#9894 options: properly reset directories on 'autochdir' 9a5488c Remove MSVC optimization workaround for SHM_ALL 1793ba8 Make SHM_ALL to a variable instead of a compound literal #define 947069b doc: mention "pynvim" module rename 46c7e12 neovim#9629 screen: don't crash when drawing popupmenu with 'rightleft' option f1843c0 vim-patch:8.1.0677: look-behind match may use the wrong line number 1204421 neovim#8325 :terminal : set topline based on window height aaa8c3d neovim#9504 :recover : Fix crash on non-existent *.swp