An unoffical javascript SDK for the Rackspace Cloud
by Seandon Mooy with contributions from Matt Ellsworth
Racksjs is mostly an attempt by the author to get intimate with the Rackspace API. It's also quite nice to script with - particularly because it doesn't invent any vocabulary - it simply wraps the rackspace api documentation as closely as possible.
Proper documentation and a lot more examples are soon to come - we're still missing a lot of functionality, but that too is on its way! For now, here is some example code:
// Include racks.js and start it with a few settings
new (require('../racks.js'))({
username: 'Rackspace cloud username',
apiKey: 'Rackspace cloud API KEY',
verbosity: 1, // 0 - 5, 0 is no output, 1 is script only (rs.log), 5 is debug.
}, function (rs) {
// Log the error and stop if we fail to authenticate
if (rs.error) return rs.log(rs.error);
// Get a list of all images:
rs.cloudServersOpenStack.images.all( function( anArrayOfAllImages ) {
// Create a new server:{
'name': 'racksjs_test',
'flavorRef': 'performance1-1',
'imageRef': 'f70ed7c7-b42e-4d77-83d8-40fa29825b85',
}, function (server) {
// Since servers aren't ready right away, you need to poll until they're complete
// Racksjs provides helper functions for this:
server.systemActive(function () {
// systemAction fires once the server is fully built
// You can find details about all the products and their resources by diving into
// the RacksJS.products object. If you're familiar with,
// the "product.resource.action" concept shouldn't seem strange:
// rs.cloudServersOpenStack.servers
// rs.cloudLoadBalancers.loadBalancers
// rs.cloudFiles.containers
// and so on
// RacksJS provides shortcuts as wel: rs.servers, rs.clbs,
// each "resource" (containers, servers) belongs to one "product" (cloudLoadBalancers)
// and each resource has some common functionality: .all(), .find(), and sometimes .new().
// there are often other, resource specific functions. (and sometimes product functions!)
// read the docs, the racks.js code, or console.log(resource);
// Below I will try to illistrate some example Racks.js code. For brand new stuff,
// check tests/generic.js
// shorthand for: RacksJS.cloudFiles.containers.all() (containers){
// Do something to every OpenStack (NextGen) server
// Keep in mind, rs.cloudServersOpenStack.servers is the same as rs.servers
servers.forEach(function (server) {
// These very closely match:
server.updateMetadata ...
server.reboot ...
// Method names are aimed at matching the documentation exactly:
server.addresses ...
// Many other resources live in various products. For instance:
rs.cloudServersOpenStack.images.all(function (images) {});
// When in doubt about the naming convention, the rackspace API documentation ought to help,
// However, RackJS is incomplete. I recommend checking out our product catalog in racks.js:
// RacksJS.prototype.buildCatalog() contains all product and resource information
This repo is not an official rackspace SDK and as such don't expect anyone to support it! (outside of this github). Unless you're messing around with experimental code, I highly recommend using nodejitsu's pkgcloud.
Feel free to issue pull requests :) Thanks!
- Seandon Mooy