Better Select is a minimal custom select, with the option to fallback to the native select on mobile devices.
The plugin doesn't require jQuery, but it also offers a jQuery adapter if needed.
If you use npm/yarn, first install the better-select module:
npm install --save @bogdanbeniaminb/better-select
yarn add @bogdanbeniaminb/better-select
import BetterSelect from '@bogdanbeniaminb/better-select';
new BetterSelect(element);
// or pass some options
new BetterSelect(element, {...});
// or with jQuery
The available options are:
Option | Description | Default value |
skipEmpty | don't display options with empty value | true |
placeholder | text to display when no option is selected | null |
nativeOnMobile | display the original select "dropdown" when on mobile | true |
mobileBreakpoint | window width (px) under which to be considered "mobile" | 1024 |
wrapperClass | the class added to the wrapper element | 'better-select' |
triggerClass | the class added to the trigger element | 'better-select__trigger' |
dropdownClass | the class added to the dropdown element | 'better-select__dropdown' |
zIndex | the z-index to be set on the custom select wrapper | decrementing from 100 |