A cross-platform recording and playback system for keyboard and mouse macros.
All recorded macros are stored as .toml
and can be manually edited.
currently unreleased - so pull code and cargo install --path .
also see: https://github.com/Narsil/rdev?tab=readme-ov-file#os-caveats
Recording a Macro: Start recording by specifying a macro name. Example:
macronizer rec mymacro
... do some stuff
hit ESC ESC ESC to exit
NOTE due to limitations of rdev this will exiting will generate a silent panic (so it may look like an error but it's not).
Playing Back a Macro: To run a recorded macro once:
macronizer run mymacro
To run it three times consecutively:
macronizer run mymacro 3
- Stop Recording/Playback Keystroke(s):
- A user-defined keystroke combination that, when entered during recording, stops the recording and is ignored in the macro.
- The default stop sequence is <Esc><Esc><Esc>
- Wait Strategy:
- Record Actual Waits: Records the actual time pauses between each event and plays them back.
- Constant Wait: Uses a predefined constant wait time uniformly after each event.
- macros are automatically stored in:
- The settings file is:
- keyboard maestro (mac)
- autohotkey (windows)
- probably a few others lol
(open to contributions)
inline mini TUI manager to run, edit, rename, delete, macros
change the repo such that the binary will be named 'mz'
default usage should be "run" so the user can just type:
macronizer my
and that will be the same asmacronizer run mymacro
SO long as there is only one macro that begins withmy
otherwise macronizer should error stating the two macros which have conflicting names -
Usage of positional parameters, for instance mouse positions should be able to be "50%" of the screen
Ability to pass in custom arguments which are used for specific wait times for instance, or screen positions for that matter
settings command to open the settings file with $EDITOR
edit command to open the macro in $EDITOR
overwrite configuration options with flags
run in server mode for keyboard macros without having to open macronizer?
- see grab: https://docs.rs/rdev/latest/rdev/#grabbing-global-events-requires-unstable_grab-feature
- could map some commands to stuff like
which have no normal effect - presumably there should be a "default" grouping of server commands which are
initiated when the user types
macronizer serve
- however there could maybe be multiple server groups stored in~/.config/macronizer/servers/
map midi events to macros using https://github.com/Boddlnagg/midir
- should be able to map a "midi stroke if another specified midi stroke happened less than 1 second previously"
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