- egg, a minimal implementation of a e-graph and E-matching. We do not yet implement the bytecode interpreter as explained by the z3 e-matching paper.
- Exists Forall solver for bitvector problems
- A solver for the theory commutative semigroups, which has the key insight of bucchberger's algorithm, which is to build the rewrite that equates critical pair for terms, and to then order the equation to get a termnating rewrite system.
- multivariate polynomial division to compute multivariate reminder term.
- Bucchberger algorithm to computing grobner basis of ideal.
- schrier sims algorithm to compute a good representation of subgroups of the symmetric group. Formally, compute a base and strong generating set.
- todd coxeter algorithm to compute the permutation representation of the cosets of a subgroup. Formally, build the schrier graph and extract the coset table.
- Fundamental theorem of symmetric polynomials to write a given symmetric polynomial in terms of elementary symmetric polynomials.
- Plucker coordinates implements common graphics operations via plucker coordinates, as a step to understand the grassmanian
- Cutting to the chase, a decision procedure for LIA that can show UNSATs of large, complex systems of integer linear problems.
- Hormander's algorithm, a quantifier elimination procedure for real closed fields that is fast enough to be proof producing 'in practice' for HOL light.
- Shostak's algorithm for combining theories in a way that is different from Nelson Oppen.
- Schubert decomposition of the grassmanian to compute the cohomology of the grassmanian.
- Algorithms on tableaux in particular, implement RSK to show the RSK correspondence, and also implement the fourier transform on the symmetric group.
- Monster computing products of elements in the monster group.
- Bijective combinatorics: Chapter on Tableaux.
- SnoB: FFT for the symmetric group
- FTSP: Fundamental theorem of symmetric polynomials
- Ideals, Varieties, Algorithms
- Serees: Permutation group algorithms
- Decision Procedures: An algorithmic point of view