Bonzai is a programming language that relies on Actor model, Reactive programming and on a strong and non-taulerant typechecker to guarantee types and computations in your code. It compiles down to a custom bytecode with relatively good performance.
- Strong typechecker: Throw errors for incompatible types, to ensure security when running your code.
- Actors as expressions: Make use of first-class actors to express every code you want to.
- Reactive variables: described as live variables, they are updated in real-time.
- Bytecode compilation: Suitable for Unix-like systems, enabling almost multi-platform code running.
A parallel HTTP server dispatcher example :
require "std:http"
require "std:natives"
require "std:tuple"
createParallelHTTP(10, fn(req, id) => {
print("Received request on $id")
req.respondText("text/html", "<h1>Hello, world!</h1>")
print("Server running on port http://localhost:8000")
- Haskell compiler: GHC 2021 is required to compile the code
- XMake: to compile the VM
- Python: to run the build script
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
cd bonzai
- Build the project:
python3 scripts/
- Set the environment variable:
export BONZAI_PATH="/path/to/bonzai"
export PATH="/path/to/bonzai/bin:$PATH"
If you find any issues or have suggestions, please use the Issues page. We appreciate your feedback and contributions!